Papers on English
The Diviners: How Does Morag's Past Influence Pique's Life
Words: 560 - Pages: 3.... home, ends up in a mental hospital in Toronto after
"a bad trip",
"Can't you see I despair you? Can't you see I want you
to go away? You aren't my mother. I haven't got a mother." (P.111)
Furthermore, Morag does not get married with Jules. When her husband is
Brooke Skelton, she has a sexual relationship with Jules and gets pregnant.
Later, Pique is aware that Jules is her father. Pique has an idea about why she
is different from the others because a typical family should have a mother and a
father, but she comes from a single parent family. When Pique first meets her
father she is at about five years old. Jules sings .....
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The Road Beneath My Feet
Words: 526 - Pages: 2.... he describes certain images. For example, there are a few different occasions where his way of describing what he sees around him are similar to eachother in a way that they all make reference to the fact that the day is going by and it will soon reach dusk. Like when he said “the soft dew of morning which had glistened and twinkled on the blades of grass which grew in clumps by the side of road quietly disappeared.” This indicates that the day is going on. At another point in the story the author makes reference to the shadows saying that they have grown longer, which would indicate the sun was setting. Also, the author ne .....
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Similarities And Variations In The Writings Of Dickinson And Lawrence
Words: 833 - Pages: 4.... of many of his works. His poem contains no conventional
style of meter, only alternating long and short lines which can also be
witnessed in the structure of the poem.
The rhythm and the structure of these two poems directly influence
one another. Lawrence and his free verse style are reflected in the long
and short lines in his poem, whereas Dickinson's structure is more of a
conventional structure. Lawrence has no set number of lines per line or
stanza. Dickinson, on the other hand, has four lines per stanza and
although no set number of words in a line, the meter is repeated throughout
the poem. Once again, we see t .....
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Taming Of The Shrew
Words: 530 - Pages: 2.... sure Petruchio is wealthy as he does for Lucentio (who is really Tranio in disguise). Kate is angry at first because she has to wed Petruchio, a rude, overbearing man that will do anything to make her wrong. Eventually she realizes he is playing a mind game with her. If she does what he says and agrees with him, even if she knows he’s wrong, she will get what she wants, a loving husband, a nice home, nice clothes, food and a warm bed to sleep in. In a way she manipulates him into thinking he has won when really they are both equal.
Kate’s independence is overwhelming for the sixteenth century. Shakespeare had a very wild imagination, .....
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Tintern Abbey
Words: 1015 - Pages: 4.... five-year lapse between visits to the abbey, during which he has thought often of his experience there. The third section specifies Wordsworth’s attempt to use nature to see inside his inner self. The fourth section shows Wordsworth exerting his efforts from the preceding stanza to the landscape, discovering and remembering the refined state of mind the abbey provided him with. In the final section, Wordsworth searches for a means by which he can carry the experiences with him and maintain himself and his love for nature. .
In the first stanza, Wordsworth lets you know he is seeing the abbey for a second time by using phrases such .....
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Flawless Heroes?
Words: 461 - Pages: 2.... into the real world for the first time they would not be
able to adjust and become a productive part of society.
Today's young people are in search of heroes as Mr. Gibbon suggests, but
every person is going to have some skeletons in their closet, hero or no hero.
To ask society to ignore the facts just so young people can feel that these
people are perfectly squeaky clean is wrong. Society cannot lie to them. There
is some value to teaching reality even though Mr. Gibbon doesn't seem to think
Mr. Gibbon mentions that there is some sort of "tradition of exemplary
lives" in society's heroes that used to exist but no longer does. Ho .....
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Words: 947 - Pages: 4.... to her beautiful hair as well as when she admitted that "If mother were to died, I won't be able to maintain my will to survive".
Without s continual enthusiasm towards the observance of Jewish festivals, she would have had absolutely nothing to look forward to and in-turn it would have eventuated in a loss of faith and maybe even death. Without a doubt, this characteristic of hers was imperative for her survival. and some fellow room- mates, went to great lengths to create an atmosphere which was even remotely related to Chanukah. A look out person was assigned in the room as well as one outside the corridor and apparatus including potato .....
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Ethan Frome
Words: 629 - Pages: 3.... did was complain, and he resented this because it stifled his growing soul. Since his wife was continuously ill, and her cousin needed a place to stay, they took her in to help around the house. Ethan took an immediate liking to her cousin, Mattie, because she brought a bright light upon his dismal day. He seemed to have found someone that cared for him, was always happy, and could share his youth, unlike his sickly wife who always nagged him. He longed to be with Mattie, however he had to be loyal to his wife. Being married to the wrong person proved to be Ethan's first failure.
Ethan's second failure was not being able to stand up for hi .....
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Academic Attitude
Words: 976 - Pages: 4.... discipline the students’ mind becomes liberated, allowing her knowledge to become "active" (Sale 14). Therefore, by making her knowledge active, the student is able travel past the surface and explore the information in a deeper sense. In doing this, learning does not become a habit. Rather, instead of memorizing material to perform well on a test, or regurgitate it into a paper, the pupil synthesizes the information presented, relating it to other things, hence, learning about the subject. Information, then, is no longer strictly exchanged from teacher to student. It allows the learner to open her mind, liberalizing it, allowing deep .....
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Animal Farm
Words: 634 - Pages: 3.... a Rebellion and it was all the animals hoped for. But it was up to them to rebel. Then he thought them a song “Beasts of England” that they sang on and on to memorize.
Chapter I
George Orwell’s is an allegory* it concerns the toppling of the Russian Imperial rule and its replacement by the communist regime.
In this light, the characters introduced in Chapter I represent real, historical figures: Mr. Jones is the Czar, Old Major is Lenin and Marx at the same time and as for the rest of the animals, their role will become clear as the story progresses.
The animals on Manor Farm (Imperial Russia) ended live in unaccepta .....
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