Papers on English
Macbeth-a True Hero?
Words: 1542 - Pages: 6.... depict heroes in the same light and with the same qualities as those mentioned. Heroes today are viewed in a film's but not recognised as instantly as they may have been 10 or 20 years ago. They have less prominent characteristics as than the ones shown in films involving superheroes. William Wallace is a hero that is glorified in the film Braveheart. In this film he displays great courage and bravery in war and shows all the qualities of a true hero. This film is based on a true tale of a Scottish war hero. Arnold Schwarzenegger is depicted as a hero in many of his films. He always plays the lead role as an almost invincible man that saves .....
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Hamlet Claudius
Words: 1253 - Pages: 5.... act from a ghost,
"A serpent stung me; so the whole ear of Denmark
Is by a forged process of my death
Rankly abused; but now that noble youth The serpent that did sting thy father’s life
Now wears his crown." (Act I, Sc. V, Lines 42-46)
Claudius not only wanted to be the king of Denmark, he also wanted the queen that came with it. In Act I Sc. II Lines 8-14, Claudius has just recently been crowned king and is addressing the court. He shows in his words how happy he is to be married to Gertrude, the Queen.
"herefore our sometime sister, now our queen,
The imperial jointr .....
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Shakespeare - Tragic Heros
Words: 640 - Pages: 3.... tragic hero is that one must posses a tragic flaw, because without the flaw, there would never be a downfall. The ultimate flaw varies from one play to another, King Lear’s flaw is that of arrogance while Macbeth’s it one of ambition. Some characters may be guilty of harboring many flaws, like Othello. Among Othello’s wrongs are gullibility and stupidity. In either case, the character never realizes ones flaws until act five, however, by that time it is too late (Desjardens).
While the tragic flaw is the key element in a tragedy, the tragic hero’s social status is also of high importance. All tragic heroes are from a very nobl .....
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A Separate Peace - The War
Words: 3395 - Pages: 13.... when his emotions achieve their most powerful sway over him, and afterward when you say to this person "the world today" or "life" or "reality" he will assume that you mean this moment, even if it is fifty years past. The world, through his unleashed emotions, imprinted itself upon him, and he carries the stamp of that passing moment forever. (32)
This statement explains that Gene must have something that is his "stamp." This stamp appears to define an individual-exemplifying what he stands for. It is found that this is true in the next paragraph where Gene continues, "For me, this momen .....
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People And Their Strange Habits
Words: 519 - Pages: 2.... was shifted to my close friend, Kenny. I caught Kenny tapping his mug of beer 3 consecutive times with his index finger before taking a drink. A few minutes surpassed and he repeated this act again. I also looked at my watch to discover that this habit of his occurred every 3 minutes. I was astounded. Kenny was not only tapping his beer but also repeated this action at the same time span. I wanted to question Kenny about this enigmatic tendency except I was afraid of offending him. Several nights later, I decided to question him about this unusual doing. Kenny had told me, “It’s for good luck. My lucky number is 3 and so I .....
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Hawthornes Life Versus Life In
Words: 3480 - Pages: 13.... Hawthorne. He felt so
distanced from his family he added a “w” to his last name so it would be different.
Hawthorne’s education was not the norm for a Puritan boy. He was injured when
he was nine, so he did not go to school, which was no problem for Hawthorne who was
not a big fan of school at the time. This time allowed for Hawthorne to explore and do
many things other children could not do because of school. During Hawthorne’s early
childhood he did a lot of soul searching and finding his place in society. After he
recovered from his injury he resumed school and went to Bowdoin Colleg .....
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Beowulf 5
Words: 401 - Pages: 2.... him for protection. Beowulf did himself what a number of "weaker" people had tried. He slew an unassailable monster with his bare hands. The Danes had all tried and were slaughtered. Where strenght was concerned, he was unsurpassed.
Condidence, was also a characteristic that the inhabitants of this era deemed as a necessity. The people enjoyed hearing the imprissive tales of their leaders. They followed their leaders proudly knowing that the victories would come. Beowulf was so confident that he left his home to go help people he did not know. He was positive that he could defeat this Grendel foe. His people followed their gallant .....
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The Love Song Of J. Alfred Pul
Words: 1339 - Pages: 5.... or his appearance. He is terrified of what will occur when people see his balding head or his slim and aging body.
This insecurity is definitely a hindrance for him. It holds him back from doing the things he wishes to do. This is the sort of characteristic that makes Alfred into a tragic, doomed character. He will not find happiness until he finds self-assurance within himself. The repetition of words like vision and revision, show his feelings of inadequacy in communicating with the people around him.
J. Alfred Prufrock's self esteem affects his love life greatly. The woman he is in love with is younger than he is and this distresses .....
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Brave New World A Comparison T
Words: 701 - Pages: 3.... to brave new world after many years brings her to the abuse of soma. She uses it as an escape from reality. Some of us use drugs to escape from the harshness and the tough brutality of reality. We always dream of the perfect utopia and expect our world to transform into it. Some of us always look for the easy way out and drugs allow us that.
A further similarity of Brave New World to us, si when John is in the hospital after hos mother's death due to soma abuse, and witnesses the workers receiving their soma rations. John begins to throw the soma out if the window, causing hysteria among the workers. For these workers soma is everything. T .....
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Don Giovanni, Critique Of The
Words: 648 - Pages: 3.... can feel…there is no prison so deadly as a life of unnecessities, which is what marriage is.” In most religions marriage is considered a sacred joining of two people. “The Don’s” philosophy undermines the marriage ideology to the point that it is sinful to the religious community. Even if a person is not active in religion, s/he usually has a set of morals that frown upon the “life of a player.”
“The Don’s” second downfall is his sexual habits. Any person who shares his/her bed with different partners, including the occasional married one, each night of the week, walks with a bl .....
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