Papers on English
Huck Finn Morality
Words: 956 - Pages: 4.... rules.
In chapter 16, Huck goes through a moral conflict of whether he should turn Jim in or not. “I was paddling off, all in a sweat to tell on him; but when he says this, it seemed to kind of take the tuck all out of me (89).” Right off from the beginning, Huck wanted to turn Jim in because it was against society’s rules to help a slave escape and Huck knew it. But when Jim said that “Huck; you’s de bes’ fren’ Jim’s ever had; en you’s de only fren’ ole Jim’s got now (89),” made helped Huck to grasp the concept that there is a friendship in the making. Even thou .....
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Kafkas The Metamorphosis
Words: 478 - Pages: 2.... was told of the life of mr. samsa before the metamorphosis, one can safely say that there was nothing out of the ordinary about the way he was treated by others. he worked diligently and devotedly, lived with his parents, and although his life was rather bland, there was nothing unusual about it or the way people treated him. after the transformation, however, his mother feared him, and his insensitive father despised him. they thought of him as a burden, not as a son, and began to consider him a despicable monster, and eventually to hate him. here, the poor gregor and his relations with his ineffectual parents demonstrates how we .....
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The Value Of Literature
Words: 584 - Pages: 3.... that was considered civilized. He had nothing and really did not want anything. But at the same time he experienced and matured living dangerously. This made me value Huck's adventure and take it as my own. Huck proves his maturity when he comments on how the king and duke dupe the villagers into believing that they are the dead man's brothers, and Huck says, "I never see anything so disgusting."(Twain 163) Even though the king and duke commit an awful act on the villagers he still feels sorry for them when they get tarred. Huck comments, "Human beings can be awful cruel to one another."(Twain 225)
In William Faulkner's Barn Burning .....
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The Chosen
Words: 769 - Pages: 3.... would be considered the first Jewish language). Rueven's school is also very integrated with many English speaking classes. But on the other hand, Danny, who attends a yeshiva (also a Jewish school), considers himself a true Jew because he (unlike Rueven) wears the traditional side curls and is educated in Yiddish. At first the two boys cannot stand each other, many times Danny refers to Rueven as "apikorsim," (32) which basically translates to... someone who is not true to their religion. These differences between the two soon become obsolete with one unfortunate accident, and make them realize they could use each other to get thro .....
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Comaparison Of Crucible And So
Words: 797 - Pages: 3.... is much like Elizabeth Proctor because they both have their reasons to believe their spouse is cheating on them, but don’t have the concrete evidence to confront their spouse. And the relationship between the two couples can be described in the same way; they are very uncomfortable around each other. Orin is similar to Abigail Williams because they are the ones that are having the affair with either Laurel or John. Both of them also try very desperately, with no success, to maintain their relationship with the person they are committing adultery with. Some of the characters in these two stories have something similar to the characte .....
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American History Vs. American Literature
Words: 409 - Pages: 2.... read in almost every kind of American Literature.
There were many famous American authors who helped bring America a sense of liberty, history, courage, and romance. They gave us a greater and in better depth insight of our past. Authors such as: Emerson, Hawthorne, Melville, Poe, and Whitman, are some of Americans greatest American Literature authors. Their goals and writings may have been different, but all gave America a powerful look at our American History. Emerson, preached a gospel of individualism and self reliance. He wrote a series of essays about the unlimited powers within the soul. Hawthorne, was deeply concerned over the p .....
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The Music School
Words: 1347 - Pages: 5.... that is only good for that specific time--what would you do? The most logical solution is just to go on the plane since you already have everything set, but you realize that saving the girl is more important--highly illogical. You have the plane ticket already--why would you risk losing your chance to go home? Illogicality! The same concept can be applied to metaphors. Why would you give up you creative endeavors just to follow a "basic" rule of logicality? Being logical in the use of metaphoric language only limits you to boundaries and never lets you show your personal perceptions. The limits of logicality only deprive you of expr .....
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Margaret Atwoods Surfacing - A
Words: 1827 - Pages: 7.... creature without having a reason for doing so. The abortion symbolizes the killing of her own humanity which causes her to feel alienated from everyone around her. This feeling of alienation is like being confined in a jar.
In the novel, there are several references to jars, bottles and tin cans. These items represent methods of containing or imprisoning life : "I put the worms in a can and some dirt for them." They also represent the narrator's own emotional life which has been put into jars preventing her from being able to feel. The narrator knows that she has feelings, but the trauma of having an abortion has caused her to become extrem .....
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Like Water For Chocolate - Movie Vs Book
Words: 1355 - Pages: 5.... this is included in the film with tremendous accuracy, the movie begins with a different scene. The movie opens with Tita’s father going to a bar to celebrate the birth of his daughter. On the way a friend informs him of his wife’s, Mama Elena, affair with a man having Negro blood in his veins. The terrible news brings on a heart attack killing him instantly. In the book, this information is not given until the middle chapters. As the novel continues, another character is introduced, Gertrudis. Gertrudis, the older sister of Tita, is the first to rebel against her mother’s wishes. Wanting to escape the securities of home, .....
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Skunk Hour
Words: 814 - Pages: 3.... parallel the thoughts of the speaker, Lowell considerably strengthens the distance between the speaker of the poem and the “love-cars” (Lowell 11) being watched. Even if the occupants of those cars knew they were being observed, chances are they would not associate themselves with the speaker.
In addition, Robert Lowell portrays his character as something akin to a stalker, illustrated in the following excerpt.
One dark night,
my Tudor Ford climbed the hill’s skull;
I watched for love-cars.
(Lowell 25-27)
Why would anyone be out alone, searching for lovers who do not desire intrusion? The
speaker answers this .....
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