Papers on English
Citizen Kane: An Accurate Portrayal Of William Randolph Hearst?
Words: 3889 - Pages: 15.... Randolph Hearst.
One cannot ignore the striking similarities between Hearst and Kane. In
order to make clear at the outset exactly what he intended to do, Orson
Welles included a few details about the young Kane that, given even a
rudimentary knowledge of Hearst's life, would have set one thinking about
the life of that newspaper giant. Shortly after the film opens, a reporter
is seen trying to discover the meaning of Kane's last word, "Rosebud." He
begins his search by going through the records of Kane's boyhood guardian,
Thatcher. The scene comes to life in midwinter at the Kane boarding house.
Kane's mother has come into one o .....
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Adventures On The Rapids
Words: 500 - Pages: 2.... in the chilly water. What we didn't know, was what the day was about to become, and how it could have changed our lives forever. Less than two hours from now, we would know.
I was assigned to a raft with my brother, my friend, and the river guide. The adults went in another. About an hour after we left, we made our first stop; an enormous rock midstream. We sat there for several minutes hopped back into the raft and we were on our way, rushing down the river, nearing towards the end.
As we approached the last of the rapids, our guide asked if we wanted to surf up them. Surfing is basically paddling up a rapid. We practiced for several min .....
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Where Are You Going, Where Hav
Words: 1496 - Pages: 6.... Now, Baby Blue” Oates also has dedicated the story to Dylan which has brought about a fair amount of mystery and speculation. (Joyce Carol Oates, Raines)
Connie, a fifteen year old girl who likes to go off and have fun with her friends, meet and dream about boys and the idea of a perfect life and relationship is the main target of a clever malicious stalker, a man who intends to kidnap, rape and murder her. “She (Connie) is caught between her roles as a daughter, friend, sister, and object of sexual desire uncertain of which one represents the real her.” (Short Stories For Students 259) Creighton writes “Oates c .....
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The American Dream - Great Gat
Words: 1183 - Pages: 5.... rich being corrupt, but Jay Gatsby justifies his actions by having honorable reasons for wanting to achieve the American Dream.
Fitzgerald uses Tom Buchanan to illustrate the wrong way to go about achieving the American Dream, Tom does so by surrounding himself with material possessions. Living what many would consider a perfect life Tom Buchanan seems to have everything, money, a fancy house, and a beautiful wife. Although he may have all these things, it is the mentality that goes with having them that makes you happy and not the actual ownership of them. Treating everything as a possession, Tom bases all of his happiness on what he .....
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Song Of Solomon
Words: 833 - Pages: 4.... Pilate, however, Milkman was allowed into the world. Macon, perhaps instigated by never having a mother and seeing his own father killed, has always appeared to be a cold and unforgiving parent even to his other children besides Milkman, but since Macon heard that his son¹s nickname was ³Milkman² he has seen him as a symbol of his disgust for his wife and lost a lot of respect for his son and became even colder towards him. The only time Macon did spend time with Milkman, he spent it boasting about his own great upbringing, warning him to stay away from Pilate and telling him about the embarrassing actions of Ruth. This is the manner in w .....
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And Then There Were None 2
Words: 897 - Pages: 4.... the death of Miss Brent, Justice Wargrave advised that all items that may cause danger be place in a safely locked place and that the keys be given to two people so that the stuff will be safe. " By the judge's direction, the various drugs were placed in the box and it was locked. The judge then gave the key of the chest to Philip Lombard and the key of the cupboard to Blore." (pg 141) The final way that the guests protected themselves was to keep close together as much as possible. "By all means. But in doing so let us be careful to keep together, if we separate, the murderer gets his chance." (pg 142) " I think, my dear young lady, we w .....
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Darkness, Be My Friend - Revie
Words: 653 - Pages: 3.... important bay used for supplies and in Darkness, Be My Friend, the teenagers set out from New Zealand to assist a small group of elite New Zealand soldiers attack the new airbase that has been built in their town. In this book, the New Zealand soldiers disappear without a trace and the teenagers have to attack the airbase themsleves...
I think that this book is as much about adventure and survival as it is about emotions, friendships and relationships. The book is written as the diary of the unofficial leader of the group and she speaks a lot about her thoughts, her relationships with the other members of the group and of her emotions abou .....
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The Catcher In The Rye 4
Words: 693 - Pages: 3.... is thinking, but it also gives one a perceptive study of one individual’s understanding of his human condition. It’s told in a monologist manner so it can describe Holden’s thoughts and feelings.
Holden Caulfield is a teenager growing up in 1950s New York. He has suffered through several school expulsions due to his poor achievement. In an attempt to deal with being expelled from private school he leaves school a few days prior to the end of the term, and goes to New York to ‘take a vacation’ before he returns to his parents inevitable wrath. He assumes that if he can run away from the problem, then may .....
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Macbeth 11
Words: 1733 - Pages: 7.... a letter to Lady Macbeth containing conjecture about the prophecies of the three witches. She immediately wants to take fate into her own hands. She begs the evil spirits to tear all human feelings from her, for she knows that she will have to urge her husband, Macbeth, to become King by murdering Duncan. She will have to give up all the gentle, tender qualities of a woman, so that she can become a sexless, pitiless demon. She has to make her husband ignore his own conscience. She declares: ?Thou wouldst be great, Art not without ambition, but without The illness should attend it.? By ‘illness?she means ‘evil? Macbeth seizes ev .....
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Go Ask Alice
Words: 1454 - Pages: 6.... family of the western part of America.
The names of the towns the live in are not mentioned. The story takes place in the 1960's.
3. Jill Peters, an old friend from school, invites her to a party. At the party Alice is given a Coke with LSD in it, and for the first time she takes a "trip". That's the way she started using drugs.
4. On the first page of her diary, Alice writes about life at school. She feels unhappy about Roger, a boy she likes very much, pays no attention te her. He asked her to go out with him, but he didn't come te meet her. Alice has also trouble with her weight. When her father gets a new job, she's very excited .....
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