Papers on English
Metadrama In Shakespeare
Words: 1807 - Pages: 7.... narrative assumptions and conventions transform and filter reality, trying to ultimately prove that no singular truths or meanings exist. In respect to the plays of Shakespeare, critic John Drakakis supports this notion arguing that Julius Caesar may be read as a kind of metadrama: by figuring Caesar, Brutus, Cassius and others as actors, self consciously fashioning Roman politics as competing theatrical performances the play enacts the representation of itself to ideology, and of ideology to subjectivity. Moreover if the subjects within the fiction of Julius Caesar are radically unstable by virtue of their representations then so is th .....
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Hamlet - Claudius Vs. Lady Macbeth
Words: 1378 - Pages: 6.... deceitful to Gertrude, but it hurt Hamlet, his nephew, extremely. Lady Macbeth was indeed as power hungry as Claudius, and she too plotted a murder in order for her husband to obtain the crown. In doing this she was extremely deceitful of her lover also. She employed many conniving tricks in order to convince Macbeth to kill King Duncan, such as in scene in Act I, scene seven when she says, ³From this time such I account thy love.² Here she is basically saying that Macbeth may prove his undying love for her by killing the king, thus causing him to feel that he is obligated to murder King Duncan. King Claudius and Lady Macbeth are also v .....
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Fawlty Towers Vs Commedia
Words: 759 - Pages: 3.... assists Basil to get out of trouble.
Manuel is the Bus Boy who is Spanish and can’t speak English fluently. Manuel often misunderstands people. For instance, one of the guests asks for a bowl of warm milk for her dog. She then asks him to place the bowl on the table; Manuel then places the pillow on the table. The guest replies by asking clearly for the bowl on the table and the pillow under the dog.
Manuel is very short and this creates humour.
The action of this satirical play revolves around a guest passing away and the staff’s efforts to dispose of him as soon as possible.
Commedia Dell ‘Arte is a form of improvised drama w .....
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Earth Abides
Words: 1539 - Pages: 6.... The Tribe managed to survive successfully. This task was not easy, considering all the other people in the world who had failed. Many other survivors of the Great Disaster, killed themselves, drank their life away, and did not look for reason to live in a civilized manner. However, The Tribe overcame all of that and aimed itself in the right direction for yet another try at Mother Nature. Their success was mainly based on the fact that the members from the Old Times were able to adjust and adapt. They made use of the resources and in some way put the Great Disaster behind them. These members found their place in The Tribe and built a str .....
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Paper On Irony
Words: 643 - Pages: 3.... I can remember except for
her words as she walked out the door, AOh yeah, there=s a gun under the bed
and it=s loaded. I=ll call you in a couple of days.@
The initial thoughts were that of a typical adolensce ; party,
party, party, but then the first night began. I remember crawling into my
mother=s bed thinking about the party I would have this weekend and the
many weekends after. Then I heard it: something stirring in the house. I
jumped up and rushed to the windows as I looked out my eyes were enveloped
in blackness, and my ears were drowning in silence. That=s when I heard it;
thump, thump, thump and I heard it again but fa .....
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Othello Manipulation To Gain P
Words: 1080 - Pages: 4.... Roderigo that he was passed up for promotion by Othello. While doing this he makes Othello look inferior by reinforcing the fact that he is a Moor. By pointing out that Othello is a Moor Iago causes Roderigo to become even more jealous, because of the fact that he lost Desdemona to someone who he feels is of a lesser race. It even seems that Iago is toying with Roderigo when he reveals that he is a fraud when he says, "I am not what I am." (I.i.62) By using these tactics, Iago has almost gained total control of Roderigo.
Iago uses a different tactic to manipulate Brabantio. He changes Brabantio's way of looking at the marriage of his d .....
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Self-Reliance: Misunderstood G
Words: 450 - Pages: 2.... progress was slowed by short-sighted men who failed to
see greatness.
Aberham Lincoln was a revolutionary in his time with his views on slavery and forgiveness of the South. Yet his death was the result of one man's refusal to accept what was once a proud and rich land reduced to tatters- left to ruin because of her failure to accept civil reform.
Herman Melville's work in Moby Dick was considered a classic, yet Melville died a figure with lost prestige, poor and unaccepted. When he was laid to rest in 1891, he was remembered only as the author of entertaining novels of the South Seas. It was not until 1920s when his place in America's f .....
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Words: 1272 - Pages: 5.... Missy didn't really pay close attention to what she really looked liked. It didn't matter how women appeared in those days as how it does today. They seem to think that it's evil to look at oneself in the mirror, and that it's forbidden for a woman to look at her own image. "Life had taught her to think of herself as a very homely person, yet something in her refused to believe that entirely, would not be convinced by any amount of logical evidence. So each night she would wonder what she looked like"(Pg.36). She knew what she really looked like, but her conscious was telling her different. It was like she had someth .....
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Words: 511 - Pages: 2.... the handkerchief but he is too upset so he doesn't believe her. In an act of anger he kills her for no reason. Desdemona tries to show her love for when he kills her. When Lodevico asked Desdemona a question about Cassio takes it the wrong way. An example of this is when Desdemona says, " A most unhappy end. I would do much t' atone them, for the love I bear for Cassio?" gets mad and calls her a "Devil" and slaps her in front of everybody. (Page 859-860) Throughout the whole story the women were portrayed as whores to the men but they were something more. Even though Desdemona did nothing to ever hurt she was still considered a wh .....
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Of Mice And Men Theme
Words: 988 - Pages: 4.... with. It didn’t even matter whom, just a person. Lennie just happened to have been there for Crooks at that moment. Everyday people do not give enough consideration to those who live their lives without someone. Humans are social beings that need some kind of connection with others to function properly. Without a social bond a depressed state can overwhelmingly “down” a person. People also need the opportunity to brag to others a little. Curly’s wife in the same novel states the following, “Well I ain’t told this to nobody before. Maybe I ought’n to. I don’t like Curly. He ain’ .....
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