Papers on English
Lord Byron
Words: 3440 - Pages: 13.... His handsome face, riotous living and many love affairs made Byron the most talked-of man of his day. H
was known as a romantic, fascinating figure to his fellow Englishmen. In our current century his reputation has dwindled to merely being known as a poet. His childhood was colorful to say the least. There is much evidence to suggest mental instabilit
was inherent in his family. Byron was born on Jan.22, 1788 in London. His great-uncle from whom he inherited the title, was known as "wicked Lord Byron"; his father army officer, was called "mad Jack" Byron. This wealth and the nick names of the Byron
en went bac .....
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A Drunk Bus Driver And A Bad A
Words: 1528 - Pages: 6.... Bertha we called her, waded her way through the narrow seats. Kids visibly squished as close as possible to the windows, some in an attempt to hide something, others just out of fear that the may inadvertently come into contact with the beast coming through.
Bertha was 7 feet tall, and appeared to be one of those ex-weight lifters, that had been on steroids for most of their adult life. Her neck was bigger than that of football players, and her arms resembled those of the body builders sometimes on ESPN. Her gut brought thoughts of the worlds strongest man competition to mind. She was big, and no one, not even Superman, or Batman could get .....
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Oedipus Rex
Words: 1111 - Pages: 5.... try to circumvent Hera’s curse by turning the infant over to a loyal servant (The Theban Shepherd) to take to the top Mt. Cithaeron to be killed. After nailing his ankles together and leaving him to die of the elements, the old shepherd relents and hands the child over to a traveling shepherd from Corinth to take back to the childless King and Queen to raise as their own son. For the next twenty years, Laios and Locaste rule in Thebes believing their son to be dead. Unfortunately, Hera sends a drought associated with a sphinx to bedevil Thebes. A desperate Laios travels back to the Delphic Oracle for a reading.
Meanwhile, back in Cori .....
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In Memory Of Emily Grierson
Words: 1198 - Pages: 5.... the past is reflected in the structure of the story. Unlike most stories, the narrator does not continue the plot with the next chronological event rather presents one that happened two years earlier. This switch once again mirrors Miss Emily¡¦s unclear state of mind. The story¡¦s disjointed time frame not only reflects a puzzled memory but it also suggests Miss Emily¡¦s unwillingness to move along with time. While the reader reads through time and expects the story to be in sequence, Faulkner deliberately switches the time back and forth to emphasize Miss Emily¡¦s desire to stay in past.
After the author introduces the charact .....
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The Yellow Wallpaper An Inside
Words: 665 - Pages: 3.... From the beginning of the story forward the narrator speaks of how her husband direct her so that she will recover quickly. My assumption is to believe this to be the initial sign that the feminist perspective will be presented throughout. The narrator shows how although she has a formed opinion, she is still swayed by her husband's direction with the following passage, "I sometimes fancy that in my condition if I had less opposition and more society and stimulus--but John says the very worst thing I can do is to think about my condition, and I confess it always makes me feel bad." Her husband seems to be the one who can change her thought .....
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The Tempest 5
Words: 1413 - Pages: 6.... and as a part of it. She worked with devils and the lowest orders of spirits. Prospero, on the other hand, exercises his magic by means of strict discipline and study, rising above the natural order by means of his greater knowledge, and actually coercing spirits of a fairly high rank, such as Ariel, to do his bidding and control other spirits for him. In the Arts which both represent, Prospero certainly reflects the world of the mind. [And Sycorax does not?] However, in the use of his Art, Prospero reveals himself as not wholly disciplined. [okay] Prospero enjoys using the power of his Art, as he tells us in his monologue just before his .....
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Robinson Crusoe
Words: 1002 - Pages: 4.... and his crew of sixteen members off course. Right after one of the crew yelled out “land ahoy” the ship hit a rock and went down. Everybody drowned except , who washed up on a nearby island; he was the only survivor. The next morning he realized what had happened and became scared of dying, because without food or clothes he could not survive. Not knowing what to do, he made a small shack and settled on the island for that night. The very next morning he made a choice to build a raft and go out to the broken boat and explore for items he could find. He was hardworking and smart even in a bad situation. His decision to go ba .....
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Negotiate To Close
Words: 1171 - Pages: 5.... being reliable, of a dislike for the organization, or of the price of the product. A second power that a seller has is the power of commitment. You will have power in the negotiation process if you are committed to what you are selling and use the commitment of others. The commitment to your organization demonstrates your belief and loyalty in the product and the company. When you have others committed to your product, they will stand behind their own words. A third power is the power of wooing. The sellers ability to woo his client shows the client how much his business is appreciated. In taking the added steps to show the client that .....
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Flowers For Algernon
Words: 627 - Pages: 3.... is often heard spoken by Charlie. Everybody notices how hard Charlie tries to be what he considers normal. Dr. Strauss described Charlie best when he said, "But most people of his low mentality are hostile and uncooperative. They are usually dull, apathetic, and hard to reach. He has a good nature. He’s interested and eager to please". If a person is doing the best they can for the circumstances, isn’t that the best? Why should a person feel pressured to be what he isn’t capable of being? After the operation, Charlie first doesn’t even want to try, then can’t remember what it means to try, and finally, d .....
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The Count Of Monte Cristo
Words: 1937 - Pages: 8.... a man that is simply ill natured, helped in the destruction of Dantes> None of these men could fathom how costly the price of these injustices would be.
The actions and painful consequences exemplify the novel’s theme. Injustice toward the innocent for ignoble motives such as envy and jealousy will eventually be avenged severely. Live a life of virtue, not of vice, sot that one will not prosper in vain as did the villains of this novel.
Setting:France in the nineteenth century is a nation teeming with turmoil. Those loyal to Napoleon feud with those loyal to the French monarchy and Kink Louis. We are moved across this nation in this .....
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