Papers on English
Hamlet 2
Words: 811 - Pages: 3.... thrusts out attempting to kill Claudius, but instead strikes Polonius. Hamlet’s and Laertes’s imprudent actions are incited by fury and frustration. Sudden anger prompts both Hamlet and Laertes to act spontaneously, giving little thought to the consequences of their actions.
Hamlet and Laertes share a different but deep love and concern for Ophelia. Before his departure for France Laertes provides lengthy advice to Ophelia pertaining to her relationship with Hamlet. Laertes voices his concern of Hamlet’s true intentions towards Ophelia and advices her to be wary of Hamlet’s love. Laertes impresses upon Ophelia .....
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Words: 852 - Pages: 4.... state of emotions. Hence, in the beginning of the story, we first meet his granddaughter Lisa through his eyes that "travelled homewards along the road until his granddaughter swinging on the gate underneath a frangipani tree. Her hair fell down her back in a wave of sunlight ; and her long bare legs repeated the angles of the frangipani stems, bare, shinning brown stems among patterns of pale blossoms." We follow the movement of his eyes that see her as a shinning light that illuminates his life to which he is addicted. Moreover, Lessing's detailed description gives us a clear picture of every event such as the grandfather's obsess .....
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The Book Of Judges
Words: 429 - Pages: 2.... of Dan to the North and the sins of the Benjamites. The author emphasized that Israel was being influenced by foreign powers and the loss of freedom and prosperity. Recurring throughout the book is the stereotyped formula: “The people of Israel did what was evil in the sight of the lord.” Then after each period or subjection the author introduces another formula: “ But when the people of Israel cried the Lord, the Lord raised up a deliverer for the people. Through-out the book, tells about prophets, rulers and influencial people such as: Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Deborah, Gideon, Tilian and Samson. There are also many more .....
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Hamlet - Method In The Madness
Words: 1805 - Pages: 7.... finds a better understanding of the relationship in Hamlet.
While Shakespeare does not directly pit Ophelia's insanity (or breakdown) against Hamlet's madness, there is instead a clear definitiveness in Ophelia's condition and a clear uncertainty in Hamlet's madness. Obviously, Hamlet's character offers more evidence, while Ophelia's breakdown is quick, but more conclusive in its precision. Shakespeare offers clear evidence pointing to Hamlet's sanity beginning with the first scene of the play.
Hamlet begins with guards whose main importance in the play is to give credibility to the ghost. If Hamlet were to see his father's ghost in .....
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Tension And Violence
Words: 1905 - Pages: 7.... is not in the story itself. The essay will also show that a romantic tension between the principal characters can only be experienced once in the whole story.
In chapter two Katharine Anne Porter's short story Rope will be discussed and the fact will be proved that an insignificant incident can lead to very serious violence and various kinds of tensions between a married couple. In addition the tension comes into being through what is not said that is through repressed feelings. I will also speak about the fact how persons through mental violence come back to the 'original' situation between two lovers. To a situation where tension must b .....
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The Plot Of Great Gatsby
Words: 1092 - Pages: 4.... at their mansion, and here he meets a young woman named Jordan Baker, a friend of Daisy's from Louisville.
Myrtle Wilson, lives in a weird place half way between West Egg and New York City that Fitzgerald calls the valley of ashes. The valley of ashes consists of huge ash heaps and a yellow brick building which is an all-night restaurant and George Wilson's garage.
Nick finally gets the opportunity to meet his neighbor Mr. Gatsby. Gatsby gives huge parties, complete with catered food, open bars, and orchestras. People come from everywhere to attend these parties, but no one seems to know much about the host. Legends about Jay Gatsby aboun .....
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Macbeth 2
Words: 658 - Pages: 3.... his way to Duncan's chamber, sees a bloody dagger floating in the air before him. Do his eyes deceive him? Is it real? He is unnerved but it does not take away his resolve to kill the king. His desire for the crown is stronger than knowing what is right. Macbeth kills Duncan and is wracked with regret, fear, guilt, sorrow. This time he hears voices saying he has murdered sleep. He comes into his own chamber to his wife, bloodied and wailing and falling apart. He cannot believe what he has done. He obviously is not truly evil at heart but this 'milk of human kindness' he is able to push away to achieve his evilly-motivated goal to be king. Af .....
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A Rose For Emily
Words: 579 - Pages: 3.... were going to forcibly take the body from her.
All of her life up until his death Emily’s father controlled her and made all of her decisions for her. When he died Emily was left alone finally able live her own life, but since her father had been controlling her for so long she wasn’t able to function without him. Since she wasn’t able to function without his presence Emily chose to live her life as if her father was still with her. She spent the majority of her time inside of her house because that was where she could best feel her father’s comforting dominance.
Emily was extremely resistant to modern changes in the outside world .....
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Oedipus Rex 2
Words: 950 - Pages: 4.... a morally correct human. Oedipus, unlike Odysseus in the Odyssey, another Greek work, had no divine influence, yet he still is able to continue for the truth after much hardship. Given all the circumstances, Oedipus still manages to live through to the end without losing composure. Sophocles would definitely honor such a man.
Both Oedipus’ life and his kingdom were filled with riddles, paradoxes, and mysteries. Oedipus’ beginning and ending at Thebes both arose from the riddle of the oracle. Without his parent’s confrontation with the oracle, Oedipus would not have been cast away from Thebes in the first place. Yet wi .....
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The Crucible And The Mccarthy
Words: 495 - Pages: 2.... charges that he claims. The girls in The Crucible, all make unwarranted charges against people for witchcraft, especially Abigail Williams. The leader of the accusations, she accuses various people from Elizabeth Proctor to Tituba. Joseph McCarthy and the girls earn the respect and awe of the people, instead of being riduculed for their unfounded accusations.
The hostile interrogation of numerous innocent people occurs during both time periods. During the McCarthy trials, the inquisitors attempt to use slippery tactics to implicate the accused and others. Often, shouting matches would occur on the floor of the Senate when the people are ad .....
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