Papers on English
The Yellow Wallpaper - Journey Into Insanity
Words: 976 - Pages: 4.... and one's own husband, assures friends and relatives that there is
really nothing the matter with one but temporary nervous depression -- a slight
hysterical tendency -- what is one to do?" (Gilman 193). These two men -- both
doctors -- seem completely unable to admit that there might be more to her
condition than than just stress and a slight nervous condition. Even when a
summer in the country and weeks of bed-rest don't help, her husband refuses to
accept that she may have a real problem.
Throughout the story there are examples of the dominant - submissive
relationship. She is virtually imprisoned in her bedroom, supposedly .....
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The Great Gatsby A Goal Of Cor
Words: 1004 - Pages: 4.... with a superincumbent discontent (Fitzgerald 27). He fails to realize that it is people like him who produce these valleys. Tom is also a white supremacist. He feels that "the white race…will be utterly submerged" by the minorities (17). This is probably because he has no friends that are minorities and most if not all of his business associates are white. Tom has arrogance about him, an air of superiority, that he feels gives him control over those around him. Tom also takes great pride in the fact that Daisy is his wife, not only because she is beautiful, but also because she "is the most expensive item on the market" (Fe .....
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Life Death And Continuous Chan
Words: 1400 - Pages: 6.... that whenever a person talks of death they invariably talk of life. True to this statement are Terry Wolverton’s poems in Mystery Bruise. Her poems embrace aspects of life as she sees it and almost all of these “dancing insights” mention death. In addition to death running hand and hand with life is the concept of continuous change. Wolverton mentions change and human’s inability to accept it.
I believe that living beings are weary of change because like death it requires entrance into a land of uncertainty. The poem “We Resist Evolution” approaches this ideology of change. Wolverton opens the poem by stating that every livin .....
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Futures Truth
Words: 1352 - Pages: 5.... of society out of control in his science fiction novel Brave New World. Written late in his career, Brave New World also deals with man in a changed society. Huxley asks his readers to look at the role of science and literature in the future world, scared that it may be rendered useless and discarded.
But one theme that both Brave New World and Fahrenheit 451 use in common is the theme of individual discovery by refusing to accept a passive approach to life, and refusing to conform. In addition, the refusal of various methods of escape from reality is shown to be a path to discovery. In Brave New World, the main characters of Bernard .....
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Crime And Punishment 8
Words: 593 - Pages: 3.... not only his intended victim, but also her mild, gentle sister, who returns home too early and surprises the murderer.
Made physically ill by the trauma of his deed, Raskolnikov is cared for by his old friend Razumikhin. However, his behavior becomes so bizarre that everyone who meets him wonders if he's insane. Unfortunately for him, several police officials, including Porfiry Petrovich, the investigator in charge of the pawnbroker's murder, hear about his self-incriminating actions. He faints in the police station when the crime is discussed; he returns to the scene of the crime and makes a spectacle of himself; and he is obsessed wit .....
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Of Mice And Men 3
Words: 634 - Pages: 3.... the last name of Milton, Steinbeck seems to be showing that he is an example of fallen man, someone who is doomed to loneliness and who wants to return to the Garden of Eden. Perhaps this is why George is always talking about having his own place and living "off the fat of the land," as Adam and Eve did before their fall.
In a way, Lennie is always described in an animal sense. In the beginning of the novel he is referred to as having paws or he snorts like a horse. Every single minute someone is taking care of Lennie. First Aunt Clara has the responsibility then George.
Lennie always wants puppies or talks about rabbits that he will t .....
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Persuasive Speaking
Words: 448 - Pages: 2.... Though, screaming may get you
some attention for the moment, no one likes to be yelled at and they will
eventually lose interest in what you are talking about and continue with
whatever they were doing before you interrupted them. To keep people's
attention you have to talk in language that they understand, and find a
compromise between shouting at them and quietly asking for attention.
After you get an audiences attention and are able to keep their
attention, you're home free. People are gullible. You can make them do
whatever you want with the power of your voice; you just have to make them
think that they'll like it or gain somethi .....
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King Lear
Words: 1762 - Pages: 7.... through lack of knowledge concerning the true characters of all his daughters, and as King through the sudden dividing of his land. Lear loses his sanity when he cannot cope with the insensitive treatment from his two elder daughters. His madness is a learning experience, as he realises his earlier mistakes in the play, including his mistreatment of Cordelia. When he does regain sanity, he is a much wiser and enhanced man, father and king.
Kent, one of Lear’s followers, is the first person to directly tell the King that he has made mistakes concerning the partition of his sovereignty. Unlike Lear who shows blindness in judgement and lac .....
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Lord Jim
Words: 621 - Pages: 3.... even hear the screams of horror aboard the ship.
Jim went before a panel for them to determine if he was guilty of leaving them to die or if he could have saved them. They revoked his navel certificate, and Jim's image of himself and his self-esteem were shattered. A man named Marlow went to Jim and spoke with him about his future and even offered him a job. Jim accepted, but soon after ran away because people remembered his history and he was scared. Eventually, Marlow got in touch with Jim and had a job for him on a trading post in Africa where he could be by himself and no one would bother him. On the way there, he was captured by .....
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Words: 912 - Pages: 4.... "old" in this section, it
can be inferred that the stone gods are things of the past. The rest of the
passage shows that it was because of the doubt and fear, instilled in the people
by Grendel, that the people of Herot regressed back to their old gods. The use
of the word "heathen" shows that the soldiers were already Christian and
reverted back to their old ways.
Soon after this statement, the poem reads:
Beware, those who are thrust into danger,
Clutched at by trouble, yet can carry no solace
In their hearts, cannot hope to be better! Hail
To those who will rise to God, drop off
Their dead bodies and seek our Father's pea .....
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