Papers on English
Midsummer Nights Dream Charact
Words: 1363 - Pages: 5.... In the end, however, they were still able to persevere and win their true love.
The four young lovers each developed in their own ways. Hermia, the daughter of Egeus, was in love with Lysander from the beginning. However, her father wanted her to marry Demetrius. Hermia was strong-willed and stubborn. She adamantly refused to be forced in to a marriage with Demetrius. A woman was not allowed to be blatant and rebellious in those times. Still, Hermia did not care. She said that she will marry the man she loves or she will die unwed. This display of a death threat was parallel to that of Pyramus when he killed himself for love. .....
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Character Analysis Of Prospero
Words: 881 - Pages: 4.... punishment-plan installed for Caliban. Near the end of the play, after Properso reveals the conspiracies of all those against him, there is no harsh punishment as one would imagine. He basically just demands repentance. Forgiveness is one of the themes in this play, and here Prospero demonstrates it. Even though Caliban conspires with Stephano and Trinculo to kill him, he refrains from punishing Caliban (“Go, sirrah, to my cell;/Take with you your companions. As you look/To have my pardon, trim it handsomely.” 5.ii.291-293).
Prospero, however, also shows that he is not perfect, unlike a god. He makes the mistake o .....
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Analysis Of To An Athlete Dyin
Words: 999 - Pages: 4.... head
Will flock to gaze the strengthless dead,
And find unwithered on its curls
The garland briefer than a girl's.
Dying young is considered by most to be one of the most tragic of fates. The specter of deeds not accomplished and a life unlived haunts the funeral “…set you at your threshold down” (Housman l. 7), and causes the grief to reach a higher level. Most people desire to live to a ripe old age and they would be aghast to have a premature death viewed through a positive light. Yet a “positive funeral” is exactly the driving force behind A.E. Housman’s “To an Athlete Dying .....
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Words: 699 - Pages: 3.... very little control of his emotions. In fact, admits this to Horatio, his confidant, when he says, "Sir, in my heart there was a kind of fighting / That would not let me sleep" (5.2. lines 4-5). This lack of restraint leads to 's unpredictable mood swings throughout the play. 's relationship with Ophelia easily spawns such dramatic alterations in the prince's attitude. For example, when first suspects Ophelia acts only as the pawn for Polonius's ploys, he reacts rashly, bitterly denying that he ever loved her. "You should not have believed me, for virtue cannot so / inoculate our old stock, but we shall relish of it. I loved / you not" (3. .....
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Charlotte’s Web And Watership
Words: 782 - Pages: 3.... of the web with a word or two in it is not common activities for spiders. While examining the animal’s actions, partially sheds light on the stories that we are reading. It helps unravel the ideas and advance the plot. It does not however, give us insight into the behaviour, specifically the god-like actions that demonstrate anthropomorphism in both these novels. While all the characters in both these novels are earthly there is usually at least one in each that has some God-like character traits. The anthropomorphism that we see in Charlotte is the prime example being examined from both novels. While Charlotte is Wilbur’s sav .....
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Historical Significance Of Beo
Words: 1799 - Pages: 7.... Though it's a poem full of entertainment, once one looks beneath the surface and past the excitement found in Beowulf's battles with mysterious monsters of the shadows, many more applications can be found within Beowulf's pages.
Beowulf tells the tale of the Danes and how a horrible monster, Grendel, plagued them. Upon hearing of this great and powerful creature, Beowulf travels to Herot (the mead-hall built by Hrothgar) to ask permission to challenge Grendel. Upon receiving permission and defeating the beast, Beowulf must then try his hand again at the monster, Grendel's Mother. She proves to be a more difficult battle, but Beowul .....
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Green Grass Running Water
Words: 1536 - Pages: 6.... of "white" students at the University of Calgary. This Native American woman is lecturing on the "destruction aimed at . . . reservations," a topic integral to her life, and one from which a great deal of passion should be generated. However, her uninspiring and spiritless lesson causes "certain individuals" to "fall asleep," sit "virtually in each other's laps," and enter into a private "conversation." Indirectly her lecture touches upon an important religious celebration of the Native American culture, the Sun Dance. She depicts the Sun Dance, which celebrates the creation of earth and all of its components, as a trivial and meaningle .....
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Brave New World
Words: 894 - Pages: 4.... they become
The whole concept of contradicts to everything John ever believed in. John came from a world where art and expression of variation from the society existed. People must face their problems and overcome them, and love requires commitment and is greatly appreciated. John was rather a Renaissance man trapped in a world where none of his necessities in life existed. He was disgusted at their orgy-porgies, their belief of take, take, take not give, give, give. Total happiness did not exist to John in a world which lacked expression of the arts. It was rather total torment. Throughout the novel John continues to fight and bel .....
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The Autobiographical Elements In The Works Of Edgar Allan Poe
Words: 1630 - Pages: 6.... began when his father died or disappeared around the time
of the birth of Poe's sister, Rosalie. The family then moved and he was
separated from his older brother, who was left with relatives in Baltimore.
During those toddler years, Poe found his mother in the last stages of
tuberculosis. Upon her death, he was then separated from his younger sister,
Rosalie. Another major low point in his life was the death of his foster mother,
Mrs. Frances Allan, and his foster father disowning him, all at one time. The
most significant set-back to Edgar Allan Poe was the death of his cousin/wife
Virginia Clemm. This single incident was the caus .....
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Rocking Horse Winner 2
Words: 1099 - Pages: 4.... have money. According to W. R. Martin Paul's mother feels that if she has money her problems will disappear and she can obtain that "high social class" she does not deserve to be in (65). This adds conflict because there is a child that is neglected by his mother and a mother who is only interested in herself and the social class she lives in.
Paul's secrets add conflict in the story because the secrets separate him and his mother and eventually lead him to his death. Paul rides a wooden rocking horse that his parents gave to him as a gift. While riding a voice will sometimes magically whisper the next week's winner in the upcoming horse .....
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