Papers on English
Short Happy Life Of Francis Ma
Words: 532 - Pages: 2.... Being around Mr. Wilson shows Margot what is lacking in her husband more than she previously realized.
The real problems begin when Macomber, Wilson and Margot go hunting lions. Macomber shoots poorly and flushes the lion into a space where it can not be seen easily, as Wilson says: "Can't see him until you're on him." (Page 14). As the two men go to clear the lion out, he (the lion) charges and Macomber can not kill the lion without Wilson's help. This is when Mrs. Macomber begins to think of her husband as a coward. In an attempt to gain some of his wife's lost respect for him, Macomber decides that the next day they will hunt for bu .....
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The Test Of Salem
Words: 737 - Pages: 3.... make his situation worse. “In her life, sir, she have never lied. There re them cannot sing, and them that cannot weep – my wife cannot lie. I have paid much to learn it, sir”(Miller 111) In the quote Proctor is telling the court that some people cannot sing and some are to strong to weep and his wife will not lie. Another example of irony that can be used in the situation is that the husband thinks his wife will never lie and to prove she will never lie he admits that he has committed adultery which his wife already knows about and the court puts his wife to a test. The court asks his wife if her husband has the affai .....
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Of Mice And Men - Foreshadowing
Words: 812 - Pages: 3.... dog is killed then at the end of the book Lennie is killed. These shooting have a lot in common. To start both the dog and Lennie were shoot by the same gun, a luger. Carlson owned the luger. The dog was shoot by Carlson and Lennie was shoot by George. Both, Lennie and the dog were shoot in the back of the head "where the spine and the skull were joined."(page 105) Steinbeck and Carlson used the same word to describe the pain, which the victims would endure. The word was quiver. Both of the victims friends reacted the same, they both seemed mesmerized and bemused about what had happened. The dog’s
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Herman Hesses Demian
Words: 3530 - Pages: 13.... when
Sinclair is about 10 years old. While playing one day with some fellow
schoolmates, Franz Kromer, an older kid, joins them. In an effort to
impress the older boy and his schoolmates, Sinclair makes up a story in which he and another unnamed accomplice stole a bag of apples from a fellow neighbor. Although the story is untrue, Kromer threatens Sinclair with exposure if Sinclair does not pay him off. Unable to pay the full amount, Sinclair is forced to become Kromer’s slave, ultimately sending Sinclair into depression and paranoia. Sinclair feels trapped by Kromer, forced to live within the “forbidden realm”, which in .....
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The Crucible
Words: 539 - Pages: 2.... John Proctor’s wife Elizabeth. This shows how cruel mankind is to it’s on species over worthless matters. Killing another human being over love is meaningless, and this is just one of the very many examples that take place in this story representing the horrible cruelness that humans do bestow.
Also in as another example, a man by the name of Thomas Putnam bestows his very cruel side over wanting more land. Thomas has his own daughter accuse all of his fellow neighbors of witchery just to receive their land. Selfishness is yet another one of humans’ worthless immortalities. So instead of buying or just inheriting his own lan .....
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Analysis If Homeward Bound
Words: 564 - Pages: 3.... told her family about her affair, but the circumstances were that she had the affair with Nick’s gay partner and she was bearing his child. This is a very unusual example of satire because this sort of thing usually does not happen to a middle class society (or at least not that I have heard of). The family’s reaction to this newfound information is very humorous because they act almost opposite as to what is expected. Hayes is almost ridiculing the middle class’ mentality and their views on life. Hayes also satirizes when Bonnie reveals Donna’s little secret of her indecent behavior when she was a little child. This .....
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Gods Grandeur
Words: 3610 - Pages: 14.... hope, because God, through the sacrifice of Christ and the descent of His Holy Spirit, has overcome the world.
The opening line of "God’s Grandeur" is reminiscent both of the Creation story and of some verses from the Book of Wisdom. The word "charged" leads one to think of a spark or light, and so thoughts of the Creation, which began with a spark of light, are not far off: "And God said, Let there be light: and there was light" (Gen. 1.3). Yet this "charge" was not a one time occurrence; "[t]he world is charged with the grandeur of God" (Hopkins 1). Or, in the words of Wisdom 1:7, "The spirit of the Lord fills the world" (Boyle 25). .....
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Grapes Of Wrath, Ma Joad
Words: 381 - Pages: 2.... what MA says or does. Throughout the novel, Ma's face showed that it is controlled and kindly. She is the strength of the family and she always uses her emotions for her family's benefit. Her family didn't feel anything she didn't feel. If she felt fear, the family did too. "Since old Tom and the children could not know hurt or fear unless she acknowledged hurt and fear, she had practiced denying them in herself." She always kept calm in front of the family because she knew if she showed fear, she would lose control of the family. She also knows her family inside and out. She knows the inner need of each member of the family. She k .....
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The Breakfast Club
Words: 804 - Pages: 3.... was a loser because she was not popular and not pretty. So, we have here a girl who doesn’t think that she is pretty, and rates herself lower because of that. They don’t look at her personality or her inner being, but her outward appearance. She thinks that she is ugly because of what everyone else thinks. She has a low self-image and self-esteem simply because of what others think. In order to overcome this, she has to not let the opinions of others interfere with her thinking. This is very much easier said than done. In the middle of the movie, Andrew began to notice that she was in need and want of attention. She went so far .....
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The Bluest Eye
Words: 1222 - Pages: 5.... has begun to entirely rely on self-image in order to build confidence. This leads to the question of how significant are the "Blue eyes" to society and how does the theme of beauty and ugliness linger throughout the story. With this in mind, how does this make Pecola a victim of society and a victim in herself?
If any person can be credited for creating the obsession of beauty that Pecola builds it is Pauline (Pecola’s mother). Pecola experiences many insecurities and it can definitely be said that many of these are because of the way that Pauline acts in society and around Pecola. It was stated in the story that .....
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