Papers on English
"Schlesinger's Canon Vs. My High School's Canon"
Words: 1042 - Pages: 4.... is too heavy and that schools should also be teaching about other
cultures in their classes. Schlesinger states in his book that he "believes in
the importance of teaching Americans the history of other cultures—East Asia,
Latin America, the Middle East, Africa, Polynesia." Since we live in a
multicultural society, we should be teaching a multicultural curriculum.
At my high school, I feel as if I received this type of education. The
teachers encourage students to read not only standard English literature, but
also to study the great writers of other ethnicities. My high school is a
private college preparatory institution in San Fra .....
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Words: 545 - Pages: 2.... dealing with angered them because they knew that if they would have taken the same actions, they would have been dismissed much more rapidly. The narrator admits to this when he said, “ With any other man I should have flown outright into a dreadful passion, scorned all further words, and thrust him ignominiously from my presence.” (2409) The next theme is man’s desire to avoid conflict. The narrator avoids conflict on several occasions. The first time refused to proofread a paper, the narrator simply had someone else do it instead of confronting him and resolving the issue right then. By ignoring the problem, he left the door ope .....
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Relationships In King Lear
Words: 1412 - Pages: 6.... to my bond, no more no less."(I,i, ln 91-93) Lear becomes enraged and casts her off saying, "Here I disclaim all my paternal care, propinquity and property of blood, and as a stranger to my heart and me hold this from thee for ever."(I,i, ln 113-116). Some think that Cordelia was prideful, or even a fool in her response, but I believe she was simply being honest and true.
Another mistake that was made in the course of the play was by the Earl of Gloucester. After being tricked by his bastard son, Edmund, into believing that his other son, Edgar, was plotting to kill him, he put all his faith in Edmund, which would eventually lead to his .....
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The Human Abstract
Words: 632 - Pages: 3.... A small draught of fear in our minds, creates respect against the nature that is surrounding us. To look with two eyes instead of one, we can maintain the peace and harmony and observe it for what it is. Only when we start to watch the nature from an internal perspective, based on own needs, it safety is in real threat. This frightening development can then arise in pure cruelty and its thoughts become actions. The darkness then drag us down under, and forces us to his side. With a friendly eye to the out side, it is easy to be fooled by its truly face.
"He sits down with holy fears,
and waters the ground with tears;
Then H .....
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A Critical Analysis Of William
Words: 1484 - Pages: 6.... constraining relationship. In this essay I will investigate the tools with which Shakespeare constructs this unconventional love poem.
The sonnet has a definite sense of strophic development, and the frequent ‘twists’ in the narration necessitate a close examination of this. The sonnet begins with a “When” clause, launching the reader on a sentence of indeterminate length and subsequently leaving us with expectation, in suspense, at the end of the line. The woman is emphatic: she does not merely tell the truth, she is made of truth. Both the nature of this truth, and the reason for her swearing it, are unknown to t .....
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Langston Hughes
Words: 1304 - Pages: 5.... and upset over race relations. Except for a few examples, all his poems from this later period spoke about social injustice in America. The somber tone of his writing often reflected his mood. Race relations was the shadow of his career, following him from his first poem to his last. The tone and subject matter of Hughes¹s poetry can be linked to certain points in history, and his life. The youth of Hughes is brought out by his poem ³Harlem Night Club², a piece which describes living in the moment. Often children do not consider the consequences of their actions; they act on instinct and desire. Hughes might have been 27 when he wrote .....
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Waiting For Godot And Beowulf: Fate
Words: 574 - Pages: 3.... will
be waiting a very long time.
In some cases in literature, an idea can only be conveyed properly if those on
the receiving end of the idea are able to experience the feelings that a
character is experiencing in the work. For example, in order for a reader to
feel how and understand why Vladimir and Estragon feel as though they do while
they wait, it is essential for that reader to either understand or experience
the same feelings that Vladimir and Estragon are experiencing. Vladimir and
Estragon are waiting; waiting for Godot, to be exact; and Beckett wants the
reader to feel as if he or she were waiting also. Along with the feeling .....
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A Deeper Look At Gimple The Fo
Words: 888 - Pages: 4.... easy to take in" (Singer 1071). He says this meaning that anything that someone says to him he believes to be the truth, no matter how outlandish it may be. His life was full of lies that people told him and it made no difference how many times he was made a fool, he still let on that he believed them. One example, and the one where he vows never to be taken in again, is when a student came by his bakery and yelled to him that the Messiah has come. They claimed his parents were standing at their graves waiting for him to come and Gimpel, although not believing a bit of it, put on his wool vest and went to see for himself. The only thi .....
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Romeo And Juliet- 3 People Who
Words: 1066 - Pages: 4.... to let her down. For example, when Lord Capulet made the decision in act three scene 5 that Juliet should marry Paris, her mother stood up for that decision even though she knew that Juliet didn't want to marry Paris. I think her mother should of been on Juliet’s side, because she's her mother and she has experience in marriage and should know marrying someone you do not like is not a good idea. Also, another betrayal by Lady Capulet is that she teaches Juliet to judge men by their money, their social rank and their appearance. For example, she recommended Paris to Juliet because he is rich, good looking and on the Capulet’s s .....
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Literary Essay – Dead Poets So
Words: 759 - Pages: 3.... during exams. Latin class involves recitation, while chemistry involves memorization, and as long as the students can deliver what they have been told, they are successful in life.
The new English teacher, Mr. Keating, challenges his students to think for themselves and to resist conformity. He most memorably illustrates how easily conformity affects people during his lesson involving a stroll in the courtyard. He instructs three of his pupils to walk around the courtyard. The three boys march in unison, and the remainder of the pupils begin to clap in time with the marching. He asks why the boys are clapping, and they do not know. Perh .....
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