Papers on English
Heart Of Darkness - Racism
Words: 1476 - Pages: 6.... this point is when Marlow describes, " Black shapes crouched, lay…The work was going on…this was the place where some of the helpers had withdrawn to die…they were nothing earthly now, nothing but black shadows of disease and starvation, lying confusedly in the greenish gloom" (34-35). The natives were not "helpers", but slaves who were forced to work till physical exhaustion under the orders of the White colonist. To further support the idea of racism as seen in this novel, consider the description that Marlow gives about an incident he encounters, "And whiles I had to look after the savage who was a fireman…to look at him .....
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The Catcher In The Rye
Words: 1105 - Pages: 5.... was a conflict of interest between him and the school itself, about who they were trying to make him. Holden was also starting to view people as who they really were. Many of us in this world accept people at face value and never really take the time to see through the infinite masks that make up a personality, or a first impression. Holden however, took the time to understand who a person really was, and how fake they really were being. This changed his life enormously, as it would anybody’s, because as soon as he could understand how much of a phony a person was being and who they truly were, he didn’t have to feel inferior, scared .....
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Words: 2754 - Pages: 11.... Sounds easy doesn’t it. But the reality is that every is stressful and takes its toll on us.
When breaking Negotiating down into parts I came up with six important categories to keep in mind.
The first is to be prepared. Do your homework before you start negotiating. Have a plan and write it down. Have a vision of where, when and how to set up for success. Don’t look at the small picture of how to get an agreement reached for today’s issues. Look at the big picture. Where do I want to be in 1, 3, 5, years don’t give up something today that you might want down the road. Identify and Prioritize your goals look for ob .....
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Letters From The Samantha
Words: 1420 - Pages: 6.... This serves to highlight that he has never been in trouble or broken the rules. He is comfortable and comforted by his pattern of obedience and thinks others must be as well: "Though my subordinates sometimes complain, they are grateful no doubt, for my firm rule and tidiness" (271). His ship is always on time or even ahead of schedule. The picture painted is of a steady, reliable, conservative man who always does the appropriate thing in a situation. However, a typhoon the ship sails through reveals a different, less predictable side. When describing the typhoon, Samson thinks, "I confess that I have wished to be completel .....
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Achilles And Socrates
Words: 1249 - Pages: 5.... In Greek mythology there is no concrete concept of afterlife, so winning and glory then becomes the way to a meaningful life. To Homeric Greeks, death symbolized the loss of all things that were good, but there was one thing that would have been worse for Achilles: dying without glory.
As a result, becoming a hero means to either kill or be killed in the pursuit for honor and glory. In order to conform to the ideals of society, Achilles becomes a tragic figure, and ultimately dies to uphold his heroic ideals. Achilles consistently reflects his overwhelming tragic flaw of pride, throughout The Iliad. His choice to not fight for the Ach .....
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Lord Of The Flies
Words: 2312 - Pages: 9.... boys forced him to fend for himself. Piggy
was an educated boy who had grown up as an outcast. Due to his
academic childhood, he was more mature than the others and retained
his civilized behaviour. But his experiences on the island gave him a
more realistic understanding of the cruelty possessed by some people.
The ordeals of the three boys on the island made them more aware of
the evil inside themselves and in some cases, made the false
politeness that had clothed them dissipate. However, the changes
experienced by one boy differed from those endured by another. This
is attributable to the physical and .....
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A Midsummer Nights Dream Chara
Words: 794 - Pages: 3.... her tall personage, Her height, forsooth, she hath prevailed with him.” (Act III Scene 2 Line 292). So obviously she is aware of her lack in height and it seems to cause her a bit of pain. Though Helena is taller than Hermia even she admits that Hermia has “sparkling eyes and a lovely voice”.
Hermia is very set in what she wants from the very first scene. She has eyes only for Lysander.So obviously she is very faithful. Even when faced with the decision her father gave her she did not waver for a second in her love for him.
Throughout the story Hermia’s emotions were kind of tossed around and at one point she even says, “ .....
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Ordinary People
Words: 1319 - Pages: 5.... Though a successful tax attorney, he is jumpy around Conrad, and, according to his wife, drinks too many martinis.
Conrad seems consumed with despair. A return to normalcy, school and home-life, appear to be more than Conrad can handle.Chalk-faced, hair-hacked Conrad seems bent on perpetuating the family myth that all is well in the world. His family, after all, "are people of good taste. They do not discuss a problem in the face of the problem. And, besides, there is no problem." Yet, there is not one problem in this family but two - Conrad's suicide and the death by drowning of Conrad's older brother, Buck.
Conrad eventually co .....
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The Scarlet Letter
Words: 481 - Pages: 2.... would hardly be
considered a burden or extreme sentence in present day. Or
Hester can be seen as rebelling against a society where she
was forced into a loveless marriage and hence she would
be the "good guy," or girl, as the case may be. Also the
townspeople, the magistrates, and Chillingworth, Hester's
true husband, can be seen in both lights. Either they can
be perceived as just upholding the law -she committed a
crime, they enforce the law. On the other hand are they
going to extreme measures such as wanting to take Pearl,
Hester's daughter, away just because Hester has deviated
from the norm, all .....
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The Black Cat
Words: 1769 - Pages: 7.... to the ancient popular notion" that black cats were associated with bad luck, evil, witches, and the devil. Poe’s protagonist does not accept this superstition. People still associate black cats with bad luck, evil, witches, and the devil, so this foreshadows that something bad will happen in the story. The cat’s name, Pluto, increases the assumption that the narrator will have bad luck. In Greek mythology, Pluto was the god of the dead and ruler of the underground. The symbolism of the cat’s name can be used to show that in some way the cat will be involved with death.
When the narrator returned home after a night of d .....
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