Papers on English
1984 - Success
Words: 909 - Pages: 4.... goal, which was to become the most powerful people in the country and stay that way. They did many things to achieve this, including creating an imaginary evil force, known as the Brotherhood, which planned to overthrow them. They used this “Brotherhood” to blame all the bad things on and make Big Brother (and through him, themselves) look good by fighting against this “evil force”. The Inner Party was not happy with only physical obedience, they wanted complete obedience, including the human mind. They didn’t want people to think for themselves, because then they might plot to overthrow the Inner Party. The .....
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The Fabliaux
Words: 660 - Pages: 3.... that representation only seems real; life did not run that high in actual fourteenth-century towns and villages -- it never does -- and the plots, convincing though they seem, frequently involve incredible degrees of gullibility in the victims and of ingenuity and sexual appetite in the trickster-heroes and -heroines. (The Riverside Chaucer, p. 7.)
was, until Chaucer's time, a genre of French literature, in which it flourished in the thirteenth century. One of the minor problems about Chaucer's fabliaux is why he turned to a genre that had, in effect, been dead for a hundred years. Comic tales were very popular in Chaucer's time, but the .....
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Words: 1106 - Pages: 5.... her at once. She was not afraid,
Not even when we charged her with what she had done.
She denied nothing.
Creon. And you, ,
You with your head hanging- do you confess this thing?
. I do. I deny nothing. -pg. 502, lines 43-52
She didn't lie to get her out of trouble nor blame her accused actions on someone else. I think that this would show and tell people not to be afraid to say or do what you think is right. Antigone would be a good role model for many people. She wanted to do the right thing for her dead brother. Yet her idea of the right thing to do didn't agree with some people such as Creon. She didn't care about anything .....
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The Painted Door
Words: 678 - Pages: 3.... his wife ro pleaseher. He believes that hes wife cannot love him for who he is. So he works long hours to made up for his big hulking body, bad looks, and his simple mind. He has determination to give her things that his wife does not need, but wants. He also has a commitment to his father, because of his father's age, and his distance away from him. In the story, a storm breaks out and John goes over to his fathers house to make sure he is okay. Like every other storm, when he leaves he always returns. When he returns, he sees his wife with the neighbour (intimately), and is heaart-broken. He is now very confused, and thinks that .....
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Jane Eyre - Critical Evaluation
Words: 1823 - Pages: 7.... the attic of Thornfield. Jane runs away. Penniless and almost starving, Jane roams the countryside in search of shelter, until she finds the house of St John, Mary, and Diana Rivers, who take her in and nurse her back to health. Jane then acquires an unexpected inheritance from her uncle. One night, Jane ‘hears’ Mr Rochester’s voice calling for her, and decides to return to Thornfield immediately. On her return, she finds Thornfield to be a "blackened ruin" due to a fire which has left Rochester blind with only one arm and killed his wife. Jane goes to Rochester’s new home, and they are married.
Jane’s ‘physical’ journeys cont .....
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The Sweet Hereafter, 2 Pg Incl
Words: 428 - Pages: 2.... everyone in town was mourning, and looking for some way to get over the pain. For a lot of these people, the answer was money; at least they thought it was. Mitchell Stevens Esq. was the lawyer most of the people in town chose to trust. He felt that he had a good negligence case against the state. The more he talked to his clients, the more they believed that he did. However, this was all put to rest when Nichole Burnell testified. Nicole was sitting the closest to Dolores at the time of the accident, and could see all the gauges, including the speedometer. Her testimony went a little like this, “Yes I understand. Dolores was driving .....
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Doped Up Or Deep Thinker
Words: 768 - Pages: 3.... less on form and more on the content, Morrison's poetry takes the reader on journeys through the depths of his imagine and the tortures of his soul. After reading this book, it was very clear that Morrison thought and felt on a different level than the majority of people around him. Whether he was demented or a genius depends on the reader's point of view.
In "Moonlight Drive" Morrison speaks of taking a girl on a moonlight drive and the images he uses takes the reader to the moon, different worlds, and the ocean.
Let's swim to the moon
Let's climb thru the tide
Penetrate the evenin'
That the city sleeps to hide .....
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Frosts Use Of Everyday Subjets
Words: 842 - Pages: 4.... p. 12) Frost then went onto Dartmouth College, he ended up dropping out of school after one semester. "He instead pursued a variety of jobs, including teaching at his mothers private school and working in a textile mill. In 1894 he published a few poems in The Independent and began corresponding with its literary editor." (Bloom p.12) In December 1895 he married Elinor. "In the early years of there marriage, Frost attended Harvard as a special student but withdrew in 1899 and took up poultry farming to support his growing family. The Frost's family life, often strained by emotional and financial anxieties, was marked by a series of t .....
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A Time Capsule Of An-mei Hsu
Words: 376 - Pages: 2.... things. The
painting is one of her father, with watching eyes. This teaches An-mei not
to be disrespectful. Her father's eyes watch for that.
The scar is the next thing that is important. I could not make or
get a scar to show you so I used a Band-Aid ©. This teaches An-mei an
important tradition. She must live to carry on the family. It is also a
symbol of her mother, when it closes up she forgets her.
The pearl necklace given to her by the second wife is important.
This show's An-mei how easily people can deceive her by presents and such.
It was a fake pearl necklace made out of glass. This shows her not to
t .....
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Pygmalion 3
Words: 384 - Pages: 2.... in that manner.
In Act IV, Henry Higgins also got a little of his own back when he was sarcastic to Eliza. He used the phrase "You may take the whole damned houseful if you like. Will that satisfy you?". Henry Higgins said this to Eliza when Eliza asked him what she might take if she wanted leave. She said that she did not want to be accused of stealing.
But Henry Higgins was very sarcastic, making Eliza appear calculating as she wanted to make sure of what she could take along with her. He was just trying to make her feel bad too.
In Act V, Higgins tried to shake Eliza's composure with the phrase "You will jolly well see whether she h .....
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