Papers on English
Scarlet Letter Townspeople
Words: 742 - Pages: 3.... the beginning of the novel. When Hester first walks into the scene, most of the townspeople are very harsh and strict in their religions. They believe that adultery is one of the worst sins possible. One unyielding woman says, “This woman has brought shame upon us all, and ought to die. Is there not law for it? Truly, there is, both in the Scripture and in the statutebook. Then let the magistrates, who have made it of no effect, thank themselves if their own wives and daughters go astray.” Although a young woman and a righteous man try to intervene with the angry old women, their voices are never heard. Also, Hawthorne a .....
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Greasy Lake
Words: 591 - Pages: 3.... of "" in "Big Game," but in the same sense has become more exciting with more violence and action. The plots in the two stories are similar in structure and pattern of action. They both include violence and regretful lessons learned the hard way, and seam to involve similar events and characters. A definite change in Boyle’s plot over the course of the two stories however, is the loss in significance and importance of the plot and the take over by setting and character instead.
A well-defined thread connecting the two stories are the plot similarities. In both stories, the characters attempt to be what they are n .....
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Macbeth - Tragedy Or Satire
Words: 2067 - Pages: 8.... a heightened and harmonious imitation of nature, and, in particular, those aspects of nature that touch most closely upon human life. This I think Macbeth attains. However, Aristotle adds a few conditions.
According to Aristotle, a tragedy must have six parts: plot, character, diction, thought, spectacle, and song. Most important is the plot, the structure of the incidents. Tragedy is not an imitation of men, but of action and life. It is by men's actions that they acquire happiness or sadness. Aristotle stated, in response to Plato, that tragedy produces a healthful effect on the human character through a katharsis, a "proper purgation .....
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Red Badge Of Currage
Words: 382 - Pages: 2.... because
he is so strong willed. The regiments almost look up to Jim
in a spiritual way finding peace inside of them when they
think of him. It is a tragedy when Jim dies because of all
of the moral inspiration he gave the regiment. True to his
character Jim dies a quiet and peaceful death not
distributing any of the regiment.
Wilson represents the two sides of human nature. In
the beginning of the book Wilson is a mean tough guy that no
one liked. This outward act of being tuff is just a cover
of the true nature of Wilson. It is natural for people to
cover their true nature in front of new faces. Towards the
end of .....
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Franklins Preface To Poor Rich
Words: 458 - Pages: 2.... yourself or others.
Franklin tells us that in order to be frugal, we can’t waste anything. People who spend lavishly should listen to the maxim, "Silks and Satins, Scarlet and Velvets put out the Kitchen Fire". This saying reminds us that the nice, expensive things all work just as well as the generic ones. Another proverb that a person
with no frugality should abide by is, "Women and Wine, Game and Deceit, Make the Wealth small, and the Wants great." This is one I can definitely relate to. Women, wine, and playing around all do put a dent in your pocket book.
"Early to Bed, and Early to rise, makes a Man healthy, wealthy, and .....
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Macbeth 7
Words: 690 - Pages: 3.... of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and King hereafter.” This is the beginning of the demise of MacBeth’s sanity. As the story goes on and MacBeth is at Duncan’s castle, 1.4, Duncan names his son, Malcolm, the new Prince of Cumberland, meaning he shall be king. MacBeth then says, “The Prince of Cumberland! That is a step on which I must fall down or else o’erleap, For in my way it lies. Stars, Hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires.” I think this is when he gets the first ideas of murder into his head. But when he goes home and tells L. MacBeth that Duncan is coming to stay for the nig .....
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Johnny Got His Gun
Words: 662 - Pages: 3.... wonders why he didn't die from his wounds. He remembers how some people who have a limb blown off are lucky enough to have maggots infest the wound. They are lucky because the maggots help keep gangrene out of it by eating the dead tissue. He thinks that he is missing his arms and legs and thinks that it's because he didn't have any maggots to keep the wound clean. The book talks about a rat that nibbles at Johnny during the night and there's nothing he can do about it because he cannot move without a nurse helping him. A few weeks ago he would have thought nothing of turning over by himself in bed. Back home he remembered how only a f .....
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The Bluest Eye - A Reality Of
Words: 1153 - Pages: 5.... for looking down on her, she directed her anger toward the dandelions she once thought were beautiful. However, “the anger will not hold”(50), and the feelings soon gave way to shame. Pecola was the sad product of having others’ anger placed on her: “All of our waste we dumped on her and she absorbed. And all of our beauty, which was hers first and which she gave to us”(205). They felt beautiful next to her ugliness, wholesome next to her uncleanness, her poverty made them generous, her weakness made them strong, and her pain made them happier. When Pecola’s father, Cholly Breedlove, was caught as a teenager in a field w .....
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Antigone And Creon
Words: 1493 - Pages: 6.... of Creon¹s decree.
³Go away, Ismene: I shall be hating you soon, and the dead will too, For your words are hateful. Leave me to my foolish plan: I am not afraid of the danger; if it means death, It will not be the worst of deaths - death without honor.² (189)
Even facing the penalty of death, she risks her life for what she believes. By her self, she manages to sneak past the guards watching over the corpse of Polyneices, and gives him a crude but proper burial.
Creon is also very independently minded, and he refuses to accept the opinions of anyone but himself. When his son Haimon confronts him, he refuses to listen, claiming .....
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The Odyssey
Words: 1080 - Pages: 4.... upon that place would gaze in wonder, heart entranced with pleasure” (154). The story proceeds to describe the goddess as having a “breathtaking voice” (154) and being “lustrous” (155). Yet, when the story describes Odysseus, he is “wrenching his heart with sobs and groans and anguish” (156). Even though, Odysseus resides on a beautiful island with a goddess who takes care of him, he still wishes to be at home. Odysseus recognizes that fact that the island is beautiful, but he still longs to be at home. Additionally, Odysseus remains faithful to Penelope, not by modern day standards, but he chooses Penelope over the goddess. W .....
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