Papers on English
The Phantom Of The Opera
Words: 477 - Pages: 2.... The costumes are also meticulously designed to enhance the Victorian setting. One of the most important aspects of the set is the chandelier. It comes crashing down at the end of Act One with a powerful force which is not only visualized but is accompanied by a thunderous noise which echo's throughout the theatre.
The lighting is also masterfully used to enhance the magical yet mystical setting of the show. A large portion of the lighting is actually more like shaping the darkness. Unlike many other Broadway shows, the Phantom is a show which needs to use less lighting in order to establish the full character of the Phantom. Lights .....
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King Lear
Words: 1145 - Pages: 5.... touch, such as, the
triangle's of Gloucester and his two sons (Edmund and Edgar),
in which Gloucester indirectly turns Edmund against Edgar
and himself and is clueless up until the end of Edmunds'
hatred and resentment towards Gloucester and Edgar. There's
the triangle of Goneril, Regan and Edmund in which the two
sister's fight the battle of love over Edmund and lose it with
their lives. There is also the triangle of Regan, Goneril, and
Cordelia, in which the two sisters hated Cordelia and did not
wish her well. Then there is the triangle o .....
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A Crime In The Neigborhood
Words: 1339 - Pages: 5.... paranoid response to the murder and even the country's disorientation over the unfolding Watergate scandal. The tension proves too great when the Eberhardts' shy bachelor neighbor, Mr. Green, takes interest in Marsha's mother. Though murder is the most visible crime in Marsha's neighborhood, it is by no means the only one, Marsha's father and aunt run off together and Marsha wrongly accusses Mr. Green for the death of Boyd Ellison.
Marsha's father had left before the summer Boyd Ellison was killed. The divorce had a tremendous impact on the whole family. Marsha's twin brother and sister spent the summer away on vacation and since Ma .....
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The Artificial Family
Words: 645 - Pages: 3.... this love in a positive way with his wife. Another title that would work for this story would be “The Artificial Love.” The second theme is the importance of positive communication. Mary never communicated her seriousness about her feelings between Toby and Samantha. She shared there was a problem but chose not to deal with that problem. She left Toby without even discussing their problems with him. Toby never seemed to initiate any interest in his wife’s needs. He never asked her why she felt as she did. He just said he did not see a problem.
The story begins with Mary's first words to Toby in their introduction to .....
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Cold Mountain
Words: 774 - Pages: 3.... others just endanger his life. Ada & Inman Difference, and similarities are the things that make relationships interesting. Having different points of view, different believe keeps the people involve in relationships busy trying to learn a little bit from each other. In relationships similarities are used as a balance. Similarities keep the relationship from being all disagreement. Having similar goals, hobby, interest keep the relationship healthy. In the novel the author Charles Frazier portraits two characters Ada and Inman, that have both differences and similarities which enhances their relationship in to a balance more interesti .....
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Virgil The Art Of Imitating Ho
Words: 1816 - Pages: 7.... and later of Achilles. Many of the characters themselves are also modeled after Homer’s
characters. There are also many little details here and there which show that Virgil certainly
modeled his epic after Homer, not to plagiarize, but for the style and the use of a model for
human insight and feeling. When reading the Aeneid, one can clearly see and hear the Homeric
echoes present in the epic.
The Aeneid is clearly divided into two parts, “The ‘Odyssean’ Aeneid”3 and, “The
‘Iliadic’ Aeneid.”4 The first six books are based on the Odyssey while the last six books are
based on .....
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Hills Like White Elephants By Ernest Hemingwya
Words: 961 - Pages: 4.... hills. One hill on one side of the station is dull, desolate, and barren; "it had no shade and no trees", very desert like. However, the other hill on the other side of the station is beautiful, plentiful in nature, and had "fields of grain and tress along the banks of the Ebro River." Also on each side of the station where each hill is, there is a train track. These objects are symbolic devices prepare the reader in realizing that the characters are in a place of decision. The railroad station is a place of decision where one must decide to go one way or the other. The tracks symbolize either decision that .....
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Justice In Orestes
Words: 1460 - Pages: 6.... is a tenant of Zeus and the
Olympians. In the old order of things, family is by blood only. A husband and
wife have no blood relation, yet the son is of the same blood as his parents.
The Furies right to vengeance cannot be dismissed.
Clytaemnestra is one who upheld the laws of the Furies. Agamemnon's murder of
Iphegenia at Aulis was pure outrage. "Yes he had the heart to sacrifice his
daughter , to bless the warβ¦" (Agamemnon lines 222-223) Agamemnon killed his
own blood relation in order to sail for Troy. This too, is a terrible crime,
seemingly of the same weight as Orestes' act. Clytaemnestra believed she was
justified in aveng .....
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Doll House
Words: 1196 - Pages: 5.... [her]" and that he "never loved [her]." That, in my opinion was the truth.
Nora Helmer was a sensitive character. She had been babied all of her life, by her father, and by Torvald. She really didn't have too many concerns or responsibilities. She didn't even have to care for the children; the maid would usually take care of them. Speaking stereotypically she was your everyday housewife. She never left the house, mostly because her husband was afraid of the way people "would talk." In my opinion not too many people knew of their marriage, and that was they way Torvald wanted it to be. It really wasn't her fault she was the way she .....
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The Changes Which Occurred Whi
Words: 499 - Pages: 2.... characters speak, but we do not get to know the real thoughts and feelings of the characters. Goldman really had no way of telling us what the character was all about. The director should have expressed the characters thoughts into words, which is not that difficult to do.
Another change that happened when developing the novel into a movie, was that the Zoo of Death was not shown in the movie. In the book, the Zoo of Death was one of the main places where the characters interacted. This is when we found out how good friends Inigo and Fezzik were. It was a great part in the book, because our imagination seemed to picture the Zoo of Death, q .....
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