Papers on History
Ancient Rome
Words: 4373 - Pages: 16.... his father, Anchises, and his son, Ascanius. They went to Mt. Ida, where they were to meet Aeneas' wife, Creusa, but she never showed up. Saddened, Aeneas acquired a boat and sailed around the Mediterranean. He bounced around from Asia Minor to Greece to Crete looking for a place to found a new Troy, but he couldn't find a satisfactory place. As told by Homer in the Aeneid, Aeneas was cared for by the gods. Venus, in particular, was very worried about him. She asked Jupiter, king of the gods about him, and he said this:
"Since you are so consumed with anxiety for Aeneas, I shall turn forward far
The hidden pages of fate and speak of the f .....
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Words: 1560 - Pages: 6.... powers of Athens. Because of this tie wrote Politics as a guide to rulers as to how to govern a country.
In Politics lays out his ideal form of Government. It contains thought provoking discussions on the role of human nature in politics, the relation of the individual to the state, the place of morality in politics, the theory of political justice, the rule of law, the analysis and evaluation of constitutions, the relevance of ideals to practical politics, the causes and cures of political change and revolution, and the importance of a morally educated citizenry.
He stressed that the ideal citizen and ruler must possess certain vi .....
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Words: 1412 - Pages: 6.... we ordinarily expect from
jazz today. It was the roaring twenties that a group of new tonalities
entered the mainstream, fixing the sound and the forms of our popular
music for the next thirty years. Louie Armstrong closed the book on the
dynastic tradition in New Orleans jazz.
The first true virtuoso soloist of jazz, Louie Armstrong was a dazzling
improviser, technically, emotionally, and intellectually. Armstrong,
often called the "father of jazz," always spoke with deference,
bordering on awe, of his musical roots, and with especial devotion of
his mentor Joe Oliver. He changed the format of jazz by bringing the
soloist .....
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Education System After The Revolution
Words: 1480 - Pages: 6.... conformity. Conformity to understand and obey God's word and the laws. However, the new education system was trying to plant it's roots in soil fertilized with nationalism and patriotism. With this new sense of freedom there was a great love and respect for America, but how to properly bury these roots was a question of great debate. The major cause of debate was how to organize a balance between freedom and order.( Spring p.53) Everyone was in agreement that this new found virtue of freedom was one that had a place in the education system, but with the strong religious beliefs and newfound political ideas the concern was on how to c .....
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The Indian Wars
Words: 785 - Pages: 3.... was based upon Indian Removal, a popular issue which was working its way through Congress in the form of a Bill. Jackson won a sweeping victory and began to formulate his strategies which he would use in an "Indian Removal campaign". In 1829, upon seeing that his beloved Bill was not being enforced Jackson began dealing with the Indian tribes and offering them "untouchable" tracts of lands west of the Mississippi River if they would only cede their lands to the US and move themselves there. Jackson was a large fan of states rights-ism, hence he vetoed the charter for the Bank of the United States, and when faced with two issues concerning .....
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Cuban Missile Crisis
Words: 2565 - Pages: 10.... War was avoided, but there is room for doubt that this dangerous gamble was necessary to create peace. On April 17, 1961, an invasion force comprised of anti-Castro Cubans, who had been trained by the United States government, landed on the shores of the Bay of Pigs in Cuba. The intent was to overthrow Fidel Castro and implement a more U.S.-friendly government, but the force was crushed in an embarrassing defeat. This left the world stunned. How could President Kennedy allow such a thing to happen? It marked the first of many events that led to the , which occurred over a year later. The Bay of Pigs incident broke all of the little t .....
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Kiss The Hype
Words: 771 - Pages: 3.... with their music, but it has more to do with the way they are hyped and packaged. So lets unwrap that package. In 1972, Gene Simmons was a sixth grade school teacher in New York City. With guitarist Paul Stanley, he formed a band called Wicked Lester that played in small clubs and bars around New York. That band quickly failed. "Wicked Lester just wasn't the deadly rock n' roll assault squad they had always wanted" (Kitts 12). But Simmons and Stanley felt they could and would become stars. They invested in some large equipment and decided to start a major rock band. From the hordes of drummers, they chose Peter Criss, who had been a .....
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Bangkok's Thammasat University Uprising
Words: 842 - Pages: 4.... in October 1973 that had stunned the world by toppling a well-entrenched military dictatorship.
Two decades on, with official versions of history still coy about these events, numerous Thai citizens are demanding an honest depiction of the past. This, in turn, has thrown up debate on issues relating to the way history has been written in Thailand.
Activist leader's general opinion was that it was about time that Thailand as a society, introspect. They insisted Thailand needed to stop being fearful about their past and must come to terms with their own history, both modern and pre-modern.
Taking a lead in exposing the gaps in officia .....
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Guilded Age
Words: 371 - Pages: 2.... viewpoint the idea that rich are rich because God said so leaves us open for so much discrimination. The thoughts of this time were not able to see this, and the business owners wanted to keep the power in their hands.
Document E also has a touch gospel of wealth in it. It talks about a preacher telling his parishioners to go out and make money. It says that it is the person’s job to go out and become rich. It also talks about how the rich are the most honest of all people. That because they have money you are the least likely to lie because you don’t have too.
Many people of the era said that the money would be there even if .....
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History 2
Words: 1302 - Pages: 5.... Slavery is the most important thing that triangle trade produced. The issue of slavery continually caused tension between the northern and southern colonies/states until finally there was war. The issue of slavery divided a nation ironically named the United States. While on an issue with all low points there is one fact which stands above the rest, somewhat. Due to the fact that it was a longer voyage for the slaves to reach America they were much higher priced than in the Southern Americas, where slaves were considered expendable and worked until death. Accoridngly, slaves where considered important and treated much better in Nort .....
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