Papers on Legal Issues
Issue Of Gun Control And Violence
Words: 2462 - Pages: 9.... the
opponents of gun control, that the professional criminal who wants a gun
can obtain one, and leaves the average law-abiding citizen helpless in
defending themselves against the perils of urban life. Is it our right to
bear arms as North Americans? Or is it privilege? And what are the
benefits of having strict gun control laws? Through the analysis of the
writings and reports of academics and experts of gun control and urban
violence, it will be possible to examine the issues and theories of the
social impact of this issue.
Part II: Review of the Literature
A) Summary
In a paper which looked at gun control and firearms violen .....
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Falsely Accused
Words: 496 - Pages: 2.... that he felt like an
animal being stalked , just waiting to be killed . Now who are we to listen to ?
This innocent man or the media , who obviously will print what it takes true or
untrue , to make a story .
I think that we as Americans owe the accused of there legal right of
innocent until proven guilty before we can start accusing them publicly. There
is no reason to believe what is being said in the media until there is some
definite truth in the case . I mean just because the cops may have beliefs that
there is guilt means nothing . After all the FBI gave the media information and
it was plain and simply wrong . The way the FBI handled .....
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Something Happened! - The Sexual Harassment Suit Of The Nancy Hart And The Police Of City Of Peabody
Words: 1456 - Pages: 6.... Pass a psychological exam given by the City
2. Pass a physical exam given by the City
3. Must pay for Police Academy training at a cost of approximately
4. Must pass a prescreening exam by the Criminal Justice Council
5. Agree not to smoke on the job or off duty while employed by the
6. Agree to random drug testing
7. Agree to keep their weight in proportion to their height
A violation of any the above conditions would be grounds for
dismissal from the Police Department without the right of Union protection.
After the six new Police Of .....
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Legalization Of Marijuana
Words: 597 - Pages: 3.... would still inhabit the streets if
marijuana was to be legalized. The organizations base there theory on the
success that the Netherlands has had with reduction of crime due to the wide-
spread legalization of marijuana. The differences between New Amsterdam and the
United States is great due to a different structured economy and different
cultures. This differences would prove to be the reason for their success and
the United States failure.
Legalization would also be very dangerous to the economy. The United
States economy is a rather shaky one. The introduction of such a huge industry
would be enough to crash our country into a .....
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The Impact The Death Penalty Has On The Global Community
Words: 578 - Pages: 3.... about the death penalty was the fact
that, someone could be wrongly accused and get the death penalty.(The
Death Penalty In America) One qoute I found that I agree with is this "No
matter how careful courts are, the possibility of perjured testimony
mistaken honest testimony and human error remain all too real. We have no
way of judging how many innocent persons have been executed, but we can be
certain there were some."(The Death Penalty In America) Now days there are
a lot more advanced technology such as the DNA testing that they can use
to prove someone's innocence. The criminals had a tough time proving
their innocence becaus .....
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The Pros And Cons About Legalizing Marijuana
Words: 2445 - Pages: 9.... groups do not
believe that there are any convincing reasons to make marijuana a
treatment to sick patients. Their position is that marijuana can have
harmful long-term effects. The Anti-Legalization Forum explains that some
of these effects are: impairment of the immune system due to the inability
of T-cells to battle off diseases, delaying puberty in both males and
females, and unhealthy and smaller children born to women who used
marijuana during pregnancy. The
Drug Enforcement
Administration believes that since marijuana is not accepted by any
American health associations, there is no reason to legalize the drug.
They think that th .....
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Words: 246 - Pages: 1.... my problems. Like when I have family, friend or any trouble, I can
talk instead of having it bottled up inside of me. In Dare, I learned that there
is more stuff to do instead of smoking. Like for instance, My friend and I are
starting a street hockey league. We have about twenty-six kids signed up. This
league will give kids who either ignored Dare or didn't have Dare a chance to
find out that there's stuff you can do for your self like stay physically fit &
staying off drugs. I have also learned that not many kids in Cutler Middle
School don't do drugs.I always thought that when I got into middle
school,everybody is going to force me to d .....
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Capital Punishment: Pro
Words: 2109 - Pages: 8.... Ancient Roman and Mosaic law endorsed the notion of retaliation; they believed in the rule of "an eye for an eye." Similarly, the ancient Egyptians, Assyrians, and Greeks all executed citizens for a variety of crimes. The most famous people to be executed are Socrates and Jesus. Only in England, during the reigns of King Canute (1016-1035) and William the Conqueror (1066-1087) was the death penalty not used, although the results of interrogation and torture were often fatal (Kronenwetter 12). Later, Britain reinstated the death penalty and brought it to its American colonies.
Although the death was widely accepted throughout .....
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The Young Offenders Act - The Truth?
Words: 570 - Pages: 3.... effect. The old Juvenile delinquency act states in
section 38 "The care and custody and discipline of a juvenile delinquent
shall approximate as nearly as maybe that which should be given by his
parents, and... as far as practability every juvenile delinquent shall be
treated, not as a criminal, but as a misguided and misdirected child . . .
needing aid, encouragement, help and assistance."(Page 72)
If a youth is close to the adult age of 18 years they could be
transfered to the adult justice system. This means that they would be
given the same sentences as an adult including and up to life in prison.
Many people have tried to cor .....
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Just Say No! A Profile Of Cocaine And It's Effects On Two Lives
Words: 756 - Pages: 3.... is a white powder made from the
leaves of the cocoa plant. Cocaine is first pressed to form a paste; then, the
paste is mixed with strong chemicals to make a white, powdery mixture. Most
cocaine comes from South America. It is estimated that about 400 tons of
cocaine is smuggled out of South America each year. Half of this cocaine ends
up on the streets of the United States.
Cocaine is a stimulant. That means that when it is used, it speeds up
the way the brain works. It causes the brain to send out too many electrical
signals that then get mixed up. Because the brain tells the heart how fast and
often to beat, using cocaine can m .....
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