Papers on Plays and Movies
Irony In Othello
Words: 732 - Pages: 3.... a way
that helped him to betray Othello. She was a good friend of Desdemona's
and she worked against her friend without knowing it. She took Desdemona's
handkerchief because Iago said he wanted it. Iago then placed the
handkerchief in Cassio's room to make him look guilty. Also, throughout
the play, it seemed that Othello was the only one who didn't know the truth.
Shakespeare uses situational irony well to make the story more
The verbal irony in this novel can sometimes be humorous because
of how ironic it is.
Othello often said things that were actually the opposite of Iago:
"O, thou art wise! 'Tis certain .....
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Hamlet And Gertrude: Love Or Hate
Words: 947 - Pages: 4.... that
the spirit of his father has returned and walks the night. During the
Elizabethan period of English literature, man and nature were thought to be
linked as part of a "great chain of being". To Hamlet, the fact that his father
had returned showed that this chain had been disrupted by some evil in the world
of man. That he had returned as a ghost could mean only one thing, his death was
not an accident. The ghost beseeches Hamlet to avenge him but warns him, "taint
not thy mind, nor let thy soul contrive against thy mother aught . . . leave her
to heaven".
This statement by the ghost was left open enough for Hamlet to develop
many que .....
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Advertising, What Is It ?
Words: 362 - Pages: 2.... his company to prosper, he needs buyers, and without advertising
he'll have less buyers which will slow down his company's growth. But in my
opinion, I don't think advertising is necessary because we can live with less
products. It might even be better with no advertisements because T.V shows and
basketball games would be on continuously without any commercial interruptions.
For example, my advertisement is advertising Reebok, but I don't need it, I can
live with slippers or nothing at all; nevertheless, wearing a pair of Reebok
shoe would be more comfortable.
I think advertising is the right to choose. When something is
adverti .....
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Madness In Hamlet
Words: 2453 - Pages: 9.... withdraw himself from everyone in the castle, and spends most of his time in solitude; he is often seen walking alone, talking to himself.
Upon deeper investigation, it is discovered that Hamlet is seeing the ghost of the ex-King of Denmark, Hamlet’s father. The ghost becomes Hamlet’s counselor, guiding him through his everyday maze of depression and confusion. It is through the ghost of his father that he learns that Claudius, the new King of Denmark, is solely responsible for his father’s “foul and most unnatural murder” (I.v.26). He claims that he is told to seek revenge on his father’s murder by murdering Claudius. Haml .....
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Movie: Last Of The Mohicans
Words: 1139 - Pages: 5.... splendid – though (and
that's a historic fact) idiotically ornate and impractical for warfare. It
wasn't until about 1916 that the British and the French saw the light and
stopped wearing all that Day-Glo, easy target colors" (Prof. Jahiel). For
example, at the beginning of the movie, Magua killed one soldier marching in the
line, and the guy next to him didn't even do anything until the commander said
to attack. They would also fire at the same time, leaving the whole squad
vulnerable to attack while they reloaded. By fighting in this manner, it
allowed the Indians to fight much more strategically. They would fire muskets
three a .....
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"A Man For All Seasons" By Robert Bolt: More's Moral Dilemma
Words: 1214 - Pages: 5.... support the king, he could be
executed for treason. Similarly, the king orders Cromwell, his assistant, to
apply pressure by finding a reason to kill More, to force him out of the way.
All of these pressures from the king lead to a moral dilemma that More has to
face, but he chooses to stick to his morals.
King Henry applies pressure on More to support the divorce through Meg.
While More is in jail for failing to take an oath supporting the divorce, Meg
tries to convince him to take the oath, and she says, "Say the words of the oath
and in your heart think otherwise," (page 81). More responded to this by saying,
"What is an oath then b .....
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Entertainment: The Limit
Words: 506 - Pages: 2.... jobs for the immediate crew but also all the people not directly involved in the movie. Some of these people include the persons working in the car factories manufacturing the vehicles used, the persons working in the furniture factories for the furniture used, and the catering service used for the food in the movie. So you can see making movies provides job security and keeps the unemployment line down.
On the other hand some may say that spending this type of money on a movie is insane. The money should be used to help society rather than cause violence (the belief that some movies lead to riots). Instead the money should be u .....
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Much Ado About Nothing: An Overview
Words: 1139 - Pages: 5.... to his audience? How did he direct the actors and
what did the open air stage of The Globe look like?
Imagine yourself in London circa 1600, a short year after the completion
of the Globe Theater and perhaps a few months after the completion of the play
Much Ado About Nothing, Act IV has just begun. Claudio and Hero are facing each
other in front of a simple, yet anciently beautiful altar, garbed in Elizabethan
costume fit for the occasion. Hero is wearing a long white dress with trailer
and high neck which is adorned according to the fashion trends of the time.
Claudio has donned a royal looking doublet with silver trim and hose to equ .....
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Hamlet: Moral Order
Words: 1117 - Pages: 5.... play progresses, Hamlet continues
attempting to right the original wrong, but only succeeds at the finish,
with Claudius' death. Hamlet's words in Act III, Scene IV -- "thus bad
begins, and worse remains behind" illustrate the moral order well; the
actions against him were wrong, but, to a lesser extent, so was his revenge.
Near the start of the play, The Ghost tells Hamlet of the crime
committed by Claudius. When Hamlet finds out his father was murdered by
his own brother, who then stole his wife and crown, he immediately commits
himself to avenging the murder; "Haste me to know't, that I, with wings as
swift/As meditation or the thou .....
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"The Other" And "Taxi Driver": A Comparison
Words: 644 - Pages: 3.... to take revenge, he tries to assassinate
Palantine in front of her. "The other" also appears as gangsters in the
movie. Travis, in order to eliminate them, becomes a criminal just like
them. Therefore in "Taxi Driver",we see two good examples of "The Other".
In "Taxi Driver" we see that Travis Bickle still has an identity
forming problem, or I might say that he has unconsciously formed an
identity during his childhood, but he's trying to find it. It was his
curiosity about his identity that was giving him problems to sleep.
Basically, his identity should be formed based on his father's identity,
but nothing is obvious. Whoever his (Travis) .....
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