Papers on Politics and Government
Deppression And Teens
Words: 1844 - Pages: 7.... have been trying to understand since the days of Hippocrates, who called it a "black bile." It has been called "the common cold of mental illness and, like the cold, it's difficult to quantify." (Arbetter 1) If feelings of great sadness or agitation last for much more than two weeks, it may be depression. For a long time, people who were feeling depressed were told to "snap out of it." According to a study done by National Institute of Mental Health, half of all Americans still view depression as a personal weakness or character flaw. Depression, however, is considered a medical disorder and can affect thoughts, feelings, physical he .....
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Words: 337 - Pages: 2.... stemmed from.
The big disappointment is kids have smoked more since the Federal and
Provincial Governments slashed cigarette taxes in early 1994 to combat a
flood of cheap smokes smuggled in from the U.S. A pack of 25 now sells for
around $2.50 in Ontario, down almost 44% from 1993. Now, a University of
Toronto survey found a third of Junior High School are puffing more.
Moreover the number of teens smoke occasionally jumped to 27.8% in 1994
from 22% in 1991.
Clinton's program includes Prohibition of sales to minors. Canada has
found such bans are useless because 59% of Ontario's smoking minors still
bought their smokes .....
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Words: 437 - Pages: 2.... of its society. In reality, the only people who benefit from Carnegie's Gospel of Wealth are the ones who were rich to begin with. In a capitalist society, as Marx and Engels explain in their Manifesto of the Communist Party, the wealthy continue to exploit the working class to benefit no one other than themselves. By forcing the working class to work at lower wages, the wealthy will benefit because their costs are minimized. However, while the wealthy continue to enjoy higher paychecks, the workers continue to watch their own paychecks diminish. Therefore, the gap between the rich and poor is only growing wider. Thus, we have class co .....
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The Second Amendment
Words: 1542 - Pages: 6.... western civilizations
history with a right to bear arms. Finally one can see the conflict of views
dealing with the Second Ammenment, but one would also see that repealing the
ammendment wouldn't solve the problem facing our society. The contriversy of
this issue that has the potential to pulverise this country is why it is such a
good topic to discuss, people should be better informed and make a decision
based on fact and not fiction. Many advocates of the
limitations of guns can quote numerous examples of increasing violence and
homicide crimes. But the area which hits the closest to home is the issue of
violence among t .....
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Should Cloning Be Permitted?
Words: 2074 - Pages: 8.... ability to create animal with normal compatible organs for transplant. (1."Should Congress Prohibit All Human Cloning Experimentation",Pg 34). From my opinion, I believe that human cloning is just a huge step towards negativism in human life's, rather than simply being the next step in fertility technology. There might be a possibility that human cloning research may result in the discovery of a cure for diseases and the growing of human organs, but the disadvantages are that many years as well as money may be need it. Also several experts told the committee that cloning might be the only chance for many infertile couples to have their own g .....
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Misconceptions In Dealing With
Words: 674 - Pages: 3.... common misconceptions is that human life begins at conception. This conclusion simply does not follow. As affirmed by Thomson in her article A Defense of Abortion: "Similar things may be said about the development of an acorn into an oak tree, and it does not follow that acorns are oak trees, or that we had better say they are" (356). There is no scientific consensus as to when human life begins. It is much more a matter of philosophic opinion or religious belief. Human life is a continuum; sperm and eggs are also alive, and represent potential human beings, but virtually all sperm and eggs are wasted. In addition, two-thirds of human co .....
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Capital Punishment
Words: 895 - Pages: 4.... chamber, lethal injection, and the electric chair. My overhead shows the different ways that states used for execution in 1994. In addition to the three most popular choices, a hanging and a firing squad are also used in a few states. According to the book “Should We Have †by JoAnn Bren Guernsey, these choices were made with the goal of a more humane murder in mind. The gas chamber is a small, sealed room in which the prisoner sits strapped to a chair. A lethal gas is sent through the floor of the room, and death usually takes about five minutes. Lethal injections simply involve the insertion of a needle filled with poison into a vein .....
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School Violence
Words: 600 - Pages: 3.... to release feelings of anger or frustration. They think there are no answers to their problems and turn to violence to express their out of control emotions. Others use manipulation as a way to control others or get something they want. Violence is a learned behavior. Like all learned behaviors, it can be changed. This isn't easy, though. Since there is no single cause of violence, there is no one simple solution. The best you can do is learn to recognize the warning signs of violence and to get help when you see them in your friends or yourself. Teachers tend to believe that is a result of sociological factors such as: lack of paren .....
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Proposition 6: Prohibition Of Sale Of Horse Meat For Human Consumption
Words: 548 - Pages: 2.... any other
country. The people in these countries eat these animals because of
economic slums and or food shortage. When these conditions are present
horse is not the only animal these people resort to for sustenance they
also eat dog and other animals that are uncommonly consumed in the United
States. Our country should not stoop to the slaughtering horses for human
consumption for sale and/ or export to foreign countries. Horses can also
be bought without any history of the horse or its owner so there is no way
to tell if the animal was stolen or if it has had a bad medical history
which could result in somebody's pet to be slaughtered or s .....
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The Presidential Election Of 2000
Words: 1430 - Pages: 6.... Security preservation and reform, and education.
Forbes and Bush's differing views on the issue of tax reform is probably the widest gap between them. Forbes plan is nothing short of radical. He feels that we should totally scrap the graduated income tax system that we now use in favor of a flat rate tax of 17%. This plan also calls for the dismantling of the Internal Revenue Service, one of Forbes' chief adversaries. He is in favor of a Tax Limitation Amendment to the Constitution. This amendment would make it extremely hard for Congress to raise taxes. Like many other Republicans, he supports the end of the marriage tax and with hi .....
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