Papers on Science and Environment
Words: 1296 - Pages: 5.... Coffeyville, a
small town in southeast Kansas. This hailstone weighed 1.671 pounds and
was 17.5 inches in circumference. The largest stone previously on record
was almost the same size. It was found in Potter, Nebraska on July 6, 1928.
The hailstone had a circumference of 17 inches and weighed 1.51 pounds
(Dennis 54).
Hail can be extremely dangerous. It can break windows, damage
roofs, dent cars, injure and even kill people! Crops are greatly affected.
Hail causes around two hundred million dollars in damage a year. That's a
lot of money. When the wind is blowing hailstones are at their worst.
The most common places .....
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How Natural Processes Operate At A Coastal Eographic Environ
Words: 1040 - Pages: 4.... air. Rock from volcanic activity mixed with the sedimentary rock; this is called Breccia – a mixture of all rock. An example of this is at Maori Bay.
Coastal Erosion operates at different rates and different times. Limestone rock is eroded slower than sedimentary rock. The cliff at Muriwai made of sedimentary rock was eroded back to expose ‘Fisherman’s Rock’ - the shore platform which, made of limestone – tended to erode back slower than the cliff.
The types of wave erosion that caused this are -
Hydraulic Action, when waves hit the cliff, air is forced into cracks, and then as the wave retreats this air e .....
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Coconino Sandstone
Words: 1125 - Pages: 5.... the eolian origin of the Coconino. These Sahara-like dunes were part of an enormous desert that once extended north into Montana.
During the last ten years, a number of studies on modern and ancient sand seas, or ergs, have increased greatly our understanding of eolian bedform dynamics. Additionally, we can describe trace fossils in the Coconino and relate them to the physical environments of deposition. This provides us with more comprehensive reconstruction of the erg environments.
Although the cliff-forming nature of the formation can present certain logical problems, the exceptional three-dimensional exposures in the Grand Ca .....
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Mercury 2
Words: 532 - Pages: 2.... body.
Since Mercury is a smaller planet, extremely close to the sun, and has no substantial atmosphere, it has the greatest temperature range of any planet or natural satellite in our solar system. The surface temperature on the side of Mercury closest to the Sun reaches 427 degrees Celsius, a temperature hot enough to melt tin. On the side facing away from the Sun, or the night side, the temperature drops to -183 degrees Celsius. Scientists have detected a magnetic field surrounding Mercury, though it is not as strong as the field around the Earth. Scientists theorize that Mercury's field is due to an iron-bearing core or possibly to th .....
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Cheetah 2
Words: 374 - Pages: 2.... animal.
It’s low weight, it seems, is what allows it have it’s high top speed of
sixty miles per hour. It is regarded as one the fastest hunters in the world
and of course, the fastest land animal in existence. I also found that it’s
habitat is in the grassy plains of Africa. This is definitely a great place for it to hide based on it’s coat color. It is because of this combination of tall grass and camouflage coat which allows the cheetah to stalk and catch
it’s prey. These usually consist of gazelles, wild boar, or pretty much any
animal it can handle. However, the regular range for it’s food is about 88
pounds. .....
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White Shark: Summary
Words: 993 - Pages: 4.... day two fisherman were fishing and found the buoy that
had the marine institute logo on it so they decided to take a dive. They
ended up diving right down to the steel boxes that contained the "White
Sharks". The men were curious and so they opened the box. Nothing
happened at first and then glowing eyes caught their attention. One guy
was killed. The other guy managed to get away and swim for about 200 yards
and then he was down. The men's bodies washed up on shored weeks later.
That's when Chase and Tall Man knew there was something in the water and it
was up to them to figure out what it was. More strange things were
happening. .....
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The Superstring Theory
Words: 4497 - Pages: 17.... walks into a professor's office wanting to find out what physics could teach him. This student, only having a rudimentary knowledge of physics, asks, "Can you give me a definition of physics?" The sage rolls his eyes back, and rubs his temples. He replies, "Big or small?" The student baffled by this, prompts again, "Um, physics?" The teacher noticing the ignorance in the room explains, "Physics is split into two major fields: Relativity (Einstein) and Quantum. Thus, they explain big forces in nature and small forces in nature, respectively. They are not cross- applicable." The student, still baffled, persisted, "But if physics explai .....
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Arthritis, The Hidden Dissability
Words: 1543 - Pages: 6.... have some form of it, and another 1,000,000 with the disease between 30 and 50 years of age. Climate and weather has little, if anything, to do with the disease other than a psychological impact on the course of the disease. And, arthritis is a disease for which something can be done.
As I have already stated, there are more than 115 different types of arthritis. I will include the six most common forms in this report.
Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis in Canada. This type is also referred to as "degenerative joint disease", because it is a consequence of the wearing out of the cartila .....
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Words: 415 - Pages: 2.... pain reliever after the surgery than before the surgery.
is ingested orally and is rapidly and completely absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. It works in about one hour. The liver detoxifies 90% of it by mixing it with sulfuric acid, and another 3-5% is catabolized by enzyme reactions to the acid. The metabolites are excreted in the urine.
The dosage of the drug should be used according to the carton instructions. A 10 gram over dose in adults, 140 mg for kids, can cause permanent liver damage. Also if you had just taken some other drugs , The may become more toxic since the drugs are catabolized in the liver. To protect yourself .....
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Nervous System
Words: 514 - Pages: 2.... neurons and regulate the
extracellular environment, protect against
pathogens and repair damaged neural tissue.
* Axons are-capable of propagating nerve impulses.
* Dendrites respond to specific stimuli in the
extracellular environment.
* Synapse terminals communicate information from the
presynaptic cell to the posisynaptic cell.
Structural Classification
*Anaxonic neurons- have multiple processes and the axon is
indistinguishable from the
from the dendrites. They're fairly small.
*Bipolar neurons- have two processes in which one is a
dendrite, and the other an axon.
The dendrite is distinguishable from it's ext .....
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