Papers on Science and Environment
Acid Rain 4
Words: 1614 - Pages: 6.... with that awareness, possible solutions were proposed. These solutions involved making environmental changes on the international, industrial, and personal levels.
Just how does acid rain form, and what consequences does it pose to our environment? There are numerous theories as to the cause of acid rain. However, the most prevalent is the theory that electric generating plants, heating plants, and other industrial plants have been emitting an excess amount of sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and volatile organic chemicals (VOC’s) into the atmosphere. Once these chemicals are in the air, they react with water to form acids and fall back .....
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Breast Cancer In Women
Words: 700 - Pages: 3.... does it really help to save women from the disease? This is a question I hope to address in the following research.
Self examinations are the most commonly used tests used for detecting breast cancer among women today. The self exam is a simple exam that women can perform on their own with a few simple steps.
Another way of detecting breast cancer is with a mammography. This is an X-ray that scans in make up of the breast to show whether there are and tumors. This is the most effective type of detection to date. (Cancer Facts, Detection. National Cancer Institute) One disadvantage to using mammography is that with mammography, the .....
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Atmospheric Circulation And More
Words: 685 - Pages: 3.... major contributing factor to the circulation of the air
is due to the subtropical highs. These highs like the ITCZ migrate during
the different seasons.
The idealized belt model is a great representation of the general
circulation of the atmosphere. The equatorial belt of variable winds and
calms ranges from 5 degrees north to 5 degrees south. This wind belt is
characterized by weak winds and low pressure from the inter tropical
convergence zone. As you go further north or south you encounter the
Hadley Cells. Hadley cell circulation is caused by the movement of high
pressure from the latitudes at 5 to 3 .....
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Earth's Climate And Seasons: ‘How Do They Relate?’
Words: 393 - Pages: 2.... on it, there is no way possible to get the light to spread evenly over the entire ball. This is just like Earth and the sun. The earth’s shape makes the light amount about even, for example, at 40%S and 40%N latitude because the rays sort of fan out from the equator. While the earth is revolving around the sun, it is also rotating on it’s own axis. One full rotation equals one day or twenty- four hours. At the middle of the day, noon, the sun is as direct as it can be, and this is also the hottest time of the day. But, when Earth makes one half turn, it changes to night when all of the air cools off, because the sun is on the .....
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Words: 563 - Pages: 3.... its some of its compounds are used in pyrotechnics, and petroleum mining. Another one of its uses is as a getter in vacuum tubes. ’s sulfate is used in paint and in glassmaking. Barite is extensively used as a weighing agent in oilwell drilling fluids. The carbonate has been used as a rat poison, while nitrate and chlorate give colors in pyrotechny. The impure sulfide of radiantly glows after exposure to the light. metal has few practical applications, although it is sometimes used in coating electrical conductors in electronic apparatus and in automobile ignition systems. sulfate (BaSO4) is used as a filler for rubber products, .....
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Cellular Respiration
Words: 366 - Pages: 2.... off and combines with two oxygen atoms to produce the waste product carbon dioxide. As a result of these reactions, each pyruvic acid molecule is transformed into a two-carbon compound called an acetyl group. The two acetyl groups combine with a molecule of coenzyme A each to form two acetyl coenzyme A molecules. These molecules are processed in a complex pathway called the Krebs cycle. As the Krebs cycle progresses through both pyruvic acid molecules, six molecules of NADH, two molecules of ATP, and additional carbon dioxide are all formed. FAD picks up a hydrogen atom from each pyruvic acid molecule, and a total of 2 FAD2 are form .....
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Words: 946 - Pages: 4.... 103). is also occasionally combined with electrical stimulation that is supposed to enhance the effects of (Consumer 54). Patients that have experienced the treatment claim that "is less painful than getting a shot or having blood drawn because the needles are so thin" (Weiss 73).
The question remaining involves the legitimacy of treatments. It has a long history of success in Asia dating back over 5,000 years (Duke 224). The method approaches problems as "patterns of disharmony" which are responsible for poor health in individuals (Consumer 55). Oriental acupuncturists believe that either yin or yang,
whose balance affects .....
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Celiac Sprue Disease
Words: 1518 - Pages: 6.... such as diarrhea and weight loss caused by eating grains. The term "gluten-sensitive enteropathy" more correctly defines the clinical pathologic disease caused by an immune-mediated sensitivity to gluten, a protein found in many cereal grains, principally wheat, barley, rye, and to a lesser degree oats. Most nutritionists agree that gluten is not present in rice, white or sweet potatoes, and corn.
Over 100 years ago a British physician named Samuel Gee described the "coeliac affection." Dr. Gee observed the syndrome in people of all ages, but especially in children who had chronic diarrhea, weight loss, edema, and a distended abdo .....
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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Words: 459 - Pages: 2.... that may be involved with are as follows:
pain, tingling, and numbness in the thumb, index, middle, and ring fingers tingling in the entire hand pain that shoots from the hand up the arm as far as the shoulder a swollen feeling in your fingers-even though they may not be visibly swollen
You may notice that:
your symptoms are worse at night
your hands feel weak in the morning
you drop objects more than usual
you have trouble grasping or pinching objects
you may have trouble using your hands for certain tasks, such as buttoning a shirt, writing with a pen, or opening a jar lid
Who gets it?
Carpal tunnel s .....
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Army Ants
Words: 861 - Pages: 4.... them. As the need for food for the larvae increases, food
gathering raids become more intense.
The hunting raids made by ants are carried out by "armies" of thousands
of ants and set out from the bivouac in various directions. They form two or
three parties going out simultaneously in different directions for 100 yards or
more. In the U.S. army we attack countries in different areas to weaken the
force we are attacking. We send out thousands of troops in various directions
and try to surround the source of the location being attacked. For instance, if
there are several locations that needed to be attacked to weaken the enemy, like
their w .....
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