Papers on Science and Environment
CODEINE (C18 H2, NO3 H3PO4 1/2 H2O)
Words: 617 - Pages: 3.... soluble in
alcohol. The phosphate and sulfate salts of codeine occur as white, needle-
shaped crystals or white, crystalline powders. Why is it used? Codeine is most
useful in the relief of mild to moderate pain. It is also used as a cough remedy
because it suppresses the part of the brain that triggers coughing, and as an
anti-diarrheal drug, because it slows down muscle contractions in the intestinal
wall. There are possible adverse effects. The most frequently observed adverse
reactions include lightheadedness, dizziness, sedation, nausea, vomiting, and
sweating. These effects seem to be more prominent in ambulatory patients and in .....
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Hurricane Floyd
Words: 1228 - Pages: 5.... a cyclone. The danger region of a hurricane is normally in the Gulf of Mexico or the Atlantic Ocean. The hurricane season is the six month time period from June-November. The peak month of hurricanes is September.
Hurricanes form over the ocean. Easterly waves, what hurricanes develop from, are long, narrow regions of low pressure which occur in ocean winds called trade winds. At first, these easterly waves can grow into something called, a tropical depression. A tropical depression occurs when winds are up to 31 mph. Then tropical depressions can be upgraded into a tropical storm if the winds reach speeds of 74 mph or less. Then finall .....
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Words: 726 - Pages: 3.... attention. children are often in a state of confusion. They are poor at prioritizing, recognizing what is important, and making decisions based on reverent factors ( Taylor 15) While observing a child with for one hour a few key things stood out. The child failed to complete tasks assigned to him and he was unable to follow more than one instruction at a time. Attention Deficit Disorder affects social and family relationships, school performance and self esteem.
Family relationships is most crucial when there is a child with an attention deficit disorder. A child with needs structure and a set routine. They need regular meals and a .....
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Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
Words: 736 - Pages: 3.... people with HIV develop AIDS within 10 years, but between infection with HIV, the onset for AIDS can vary greatly. The severity of the HIV related illness or illnesses will differ from person to person, according many factors but mostly to the overall health of the individual. The new advances in technology are helping postpone the advancement of the disease.
Lets start at the beginning. First, lets learn what AIDS is. AIDS is an acquired defect in your immune system. The passing of any bodily fluids could technically be used as a passage way for the virus. Once infected with HIV it will begin to attack your CD4+cells, commonly known a .....
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Reproduction: A-Courting To Nature!
Words: 961 - Pages: 4.... and afterwards showed no hesitation in using words like love,
grief and even embarrassment to describe the behavior of these large,
social birds.
At the same time he did not forget that all romance - animal and human -
is tied intimately to natural selection. Natural selection brought on the
evolution of males and females during prehistoric epochs when
environmental change was making life difficult for single-sex species such
as bacteria and algae. Generally, these reproduced by splitting into
identical copies of themselves. New generations were thus no better than
old ones at surviving in an altered world. With the emergence of the .....
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Fusion Energy
Words: 865 - Pages: 4.... repel each other at a great force.
The only way to create the conditions where the it is possible to force
these atoms together and override their repulsion is through enormous heat,
this method is called thermonuclear.
Even though fusion reasearch still needs a lot of time, there has been
some progress in discovering how we can use this. The two fusion reactions
that are the most promising both involve the heavier isotopes of hydrogen:
1) deuterium (composed of one proton and one neutron) Deuterium occurs
naturally as a minor constituent in all hydrogen-containing materials--such
as water--in quantities sufficient to me .....
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Little Green Men Or Just Little Microscopic Organisms?
Words: 603 - Pages: 3.... much means that there once
was a warmer climate and maybe even lakes or oceans. Life on Mars is now a real
The climate of Mars about 3.8 billion years ago was much similar to the
young Earth. Microbes and bacteria probably sprouted everywhere in the warm and
wet climate. Although now we only see a cold red planet, which was probably due
to a collision of an astroid that would have set back the evolution process of
Mars, causing it to be a harsh planet. A Viking spacecraft which landed on Mars
in 1976 found that the planet was bathed in ultraviolet radiation, "intense
enough so it would probably fry any microbe we know on thi .....
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The Giraffe
Words: 1144 - Pages: 5.... by falling 6 feet to the ground. Usually a calve stands 6 feet tall
and is able to stand after birth. They are highly attuned to danger thanks
to their height and good sense of smell and eyesight. They can be fast
and can reach speeds of up to 35 mph.
Females spend over 12 hours a day looking, while males are less.
Night mostly spent lying down ruminating, especially hours after dark and
before dawn. A Giraffe has 2 ways of getting around which is walking and
galloping. The long legs and short trunk decree an ambling walk, with the
entire weight supported alternatively on the left and right legs, like
camels. The long neck .....
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Biological Warfare
Words: 1787 - Pages: 7.... the Egyptians, as a result of Pharaoh’s refusal to free the Jews from slavery. These plagues included blood, frogs, vermin, flies, murrain, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, and the slaying of the first born. Even though this type of warfare may have had origins as early as Exodus, the methods of making these germs is described in scientific literature and is no secret to terrorists.
This germ warfare is an especially serious threat for several different reasons. The first reason is the ability of these germ agents to be undetectable to spy technology. Secondly, the warfare labs that are used to produce these germs are difficult to det .....
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The History Of White-Tailed Deer In Kentucky
Words: 606 - Pages: 3.... Most fawns are born in June,
following a seven month gestation period. Newborn fawns will weigh about four
pounds at birth.
Deer offspring are cared for and may remain with the mother until the
next spring. Fawns retain their spots until mid September and nurse until mid
October. About 40 percent of female fawns breed during their first autumn, but
usually bear only one fawn. Does breeding at age 1 1/2 or older generally have
twins, and sometimes triplets. By November, Kentucky's deer population typical
increases slightly more than one fawn per doe. Although many more fawns are
born than one per doe, some will die before the hunt .....
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