Papers on Social Issues
Immigration Into Canada
Words: 3802 - Pages: 14.... affluent people. The result of their immigration
into Vancouver has been a booming economy and social tension. With greater
understanding and awareness on both sides we can alleviate the social tensions.
There is a school in Vancouver which is offering a four year immersion
programme to its students. That in itself is not highly unusual in our bilingual
nation, what is unusual is that the language of choice for the immersion
programme is not French, it is Mandarin. The programme was voted in by parents
who believed the Mandarin language to be more important to their children's
futures in Vancouver than French. This .....
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School Uniforms And Discipline
Words: 608 - Pages: 3.... we often buy certain labels and styles. This too is a uniform. Clothes send signals and are symbolic to “who we are, what we hold dear to us, and with whom we wish to connect.” (Coles 378) Therefore, in order for society as individuals to feel a sense of belonging it is pertnent we follow the norm.
Uniforms in schools especially can have a number of affects on the behavior and how they can be monitored. The number of violent and theft crimes that go on in school will drop tremendously. Fights among students over designer clothing and sneakers will be no more. Children who are more needy then others will not have to feel the com .....
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Violence In Television Programs
Words: 2524 - Pages: 10.... on the screen. This behavior is often seen in the school yard while observing young boys interacting with one another. We are able to see them play fighting and when asked who they are trying to imitate, they often respond with the words " Power Rangers" .
Many television programs contain violence portrayed in ironic contexts. For example heroic "good-guy" characters commit aggression, consequences of violence are unseen, and aggression goes unpunished or seems justified. For example, one cartoon featured four heroes who used their superior strength to beat up villains who were trying to freeze the world. The villains escape unscathe .....
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Words: 745 - Pages: 3.... an important part of prominent house holds providing
entertainment for the upper class of society. Those minstrels who were not part
of a noble's homestead, traveled from town to town providing entertainment not
only to noble classes but also to common village folk as well.
There were not many forms of entertainment, nor was there a means for
people to learn about news events. There was no television or radio in medieval
times. Even books were very scarce. Minstrels served to entertain the public.
They made up songs, stories, and repeated ballads and folk tales popular during
this time. Traveling from town to town minstrels were als .....
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How To Overcome Shyness
Words: 1092 - Pages: 4.... The shyness you feel is more common than you think. The fact is the majority of people are in the same boat as you. Some people are just better at hiding their insecurities and fears, making them appear to never exhibit shyness. Once you begin to understand “The spider is more afraid of you than you are of it,” then you will begin to excel in your relationships with other people around you.
First step: begin by saying ‘hi’ to 5 new people everyday. Not too long ago, I noticed that I even did not know how to perform the simple of saying ‘hi’ to people. Then, what happened? As I started to analyze myself, I could not come to .....
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Words: 1657 - Pages: 7.... Humanism is defined by Webster's Third New International Dictionary as
“a philosophy advocating the self fulfillment of man within the framework of
Christian principles.” This more human oriented faith is largely a product of
the Renaissance and is a part of what made up Renaissance humanism.
Modern Humanism, also called Naturalistic Humanism, Scien- tific Humanism,
Ethical Humanism and Democratic Humanism is defined by one of its leading
proponents, Corollas Lamont, as “a naturalistic philosophy that rejects all
supernaturalism and relies primarily upon reason and science, democracy and
human compassion.” Modern Humanism has a .....
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Teenage Violence
Words: 2436 - Pages: 9.... he is getting a reputation for as a (quote) "tough kid" he thinks that carrying a knife will make him safer. You are a student in his class. You two sit next to each other and sometimes talk during break. The boy feels he can trust you to keep a secret. He tells you of how he intends to take care of some boys intimidating him. Also being a 14 year old, how do you handle this situation? This is not an uncommon situation for children anymore.
Crime frequents in and around schools and is threatening the well-being of the students, school staff and communities. Parents send their children off to school everyday all over America and they wor .....
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Words: 1097 - Pages: 4.... original German contributions.
In the past storm troopers and communists had contested the streets on
fairly equal terms. Now, three days after the formation of Hitler's
cabinet, communist meeting were banned in Prussia. To enforce such
measures, there was a new and ominous agency. A minor department in the
Berlin police, detailed to watch anticonstitutional activities, was put
under Goring's command. As of April 26, 1933, this old Department IA of
the Prussian political police was replaced by the Geheime Staatspolizei
("Secret State Police"), better known as the Gestapo. Within two years its
actiones would be free from judicial .....
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Police Brutality: What's Really Going On?
Words: 521 - Pages: 2.... and beat the person
getting the ticket.
In the case of Rodney King this particular suspect was attempting
to get away with a drug charge and aggravated the police officers to the
point they had to restrain him. In this case the police reacted to a tense
situation with force and confidence that what they were doing the right
The police that the author talked to said they would have reacted
the same way and most of the police officers that were interviewed said
that was the right thing to do. Some said they weren't rough enough.
What people saw in this case was the police officers beating Mr.
King without mercy. I don't think that' .....
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Skinhead Violence
Words: 713 - Pages: 3.... of this cult until
today it has supported violence, starting with beatings with boots and small
weapons, evolving today into a terrorist like cult armed with deadly military
Just like gangs in the U.S. skinheads also fight among each other. These
fights are actually where most deaths by skinheads occur. And just like gangs
skinheads have several different beliefs and methods of expression. These
types of skinheads range from racist and violent to groups which are political
but against racism and violence. The members come from a diverse range of
lifestyles among broken homes, poor families, and alienated youngsters. They
l .....
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