Papers on Social Issues
The American And Japanese Social System
Words: 1641 - Pages: 6.... government and to enhance the dialogue between the two private sectors. There are many institutions involved in the governmental side of the dialogue, and just about every aspect of the economic relationship is covered. A key problem today is the false thinking that the Japanese market is a closed one. Many Americans seem to feel that if the Japanese market is not like the US market, then it must be unfair. The Japanese have clearly perceived their national interest in trade terms and have organized themselves and disciplined themselves to do something about it.(State, 7) There are strengths and weaknesses in both the American an .....
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Words: 877 - Pages: 4.... core there are three main ideas. An individual has certain personal liberties that guarantee protection from the government, and that everyone has the right to live under a form of law with known procedures, that corresponds to everyone, including the people in the high offices or positions. This also pertains to a person’s right to think, talk, and worship in any way that they feel they need to without depriving other people of their rights. Also within the moral core exists a persons civil liberties. These are a persons right to think for themselves and learn from their own experiences without anybody obstructing their ability t .....
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Two Kinds Of People On Campus: Party Animal And The Sober Guy
Words: 315 - Pages: 2.... Sometimes, when the party animal shows up for class they are
hungover. Often, a party animal's grades are affected by attendance. On the
other hand, the sober guy is always on time for class, awake, and without a
The party animal is usually a popular guy. People are always saying hi to
him or waving to him on campus. Most of the time he doesn't even remember who
they are. The sober guy goes to class and that's it. He usually has the business
before pleasure attitude. Once finished with the days studies he will then hang
out with his friends.
These are just two stereotypes of people on campus. They are almost
exact .....
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Words: 782 - Pages: 3.... spent the first few years of his
life in care of the women in his family. At the age of 7 years old, a child of
noble birth would be placed in the castle of a lord or govenor. This is where
the training for knighthood began. As a page, the boy would be tutored in
Latin and French, but he devoted most of his time to physical exersice, and
duties. A page was educated in wrestling, tilting with spears, and military
exercises that were done on horseback. He was also taught dancing and playing
of musical instruments in their leisure time. As a page, a boy was taught how
to carve and serve food as a waiter, and other services around t .....
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Cosmetic Testing On Animals
Words: 716 - Pages: 3.... tests.
In eye irritancy tests, a liquid, flake, granule, or powdered
subezce is dropped into the eyes of a group of albino rabbits. The
animals are often immobilized in stocks from which only their heads
protrude. They usually receive no anesthesia during the tests. After
placing the subezce into the rabbits eyes, lab technicians record the
damage to the eye tissue at specific intervals over an average period of
72 hours. The tests sometimes last seven to eighteen days. Reactions to
the subezces include swollen eyelids, ulceration, bleeding, swollen irises
massive deterioration, and blindness. During the tests, rabbits eyelids
a .....
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"The Typical Abnormal Teen"
Words: 557 - Pages: 3.... The Catcher in the Rye, is every teenager caught between the juvenility of high school and the fear of adulthood.
The inability to be understood is one of the trademark characteristics of the typical teenager. Throughout the novel, Holden acts the way he does because no one seems to share his view of the world; no one understands what is going on in his head.
Holden also uses colloquial speech instead of forming sentences with proper words and grammar. Many reviews of The Catcher in the Rye say Holden's words "accurately capture the informal speech of the average intelligent, educated, northeastern American adolescent". Most teenag .....
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Nightclubs' Role In Our Drug Problem
Words: 1715 - Pages: 7.... committed drug crimes has not proven to be an effective
solution. Drugs are still produced and distributed everywhere, and are taken by
many. -- despite
Obviously our focus is mid-directed. Because all types of people use
illegal substances, pinpointing one specific group to “bust” is not effective.
Recently, we have tried to track the location of drug use. We find places where
drugs tend to be, and seek to close them down as an effort to decrease the
overall use of drugs.
This has proved to be an ineffective technique because it does not
change people's craving for drugs. Reasons leading up to drug use still exist.
Arresting .....
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Gay Marriages-Acceptable To God And America?
Words: 1559 - Pages: 6.... anger, coupled with increasing confusion as to why the men would yell and embarrass the lady that was so kind to me and my brother. What did Debbie and her “sister” do so wrong? Years later, I am convinced that Debbie and her “sister” were a lesbian couple, and the incident at the McDonald’s was a bunch of stupid, homophobic morons. These days crimes targeting gay and lesbian couples are heard on the news frequently, and it sickens me that such ignorance exists in America. I grew up attending a church that viewed homosexuality as a sin, but my personal feelings would always conflict.
I believe the argument can be derive .....
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Feminism And Gender Equality In The 1990's
Words: 2035 - Pages: 8.... roles completely disregarded the
needs of educated and motivated business women and scientific women.
Actually, the subtle message that society gave was that the educated woman
was actually selfish and evil.
I remember in particular the searing effect on me, who once intended to be
a psychologist, of a story in McCall's in December 1949 called "A Weekend
with Daddy." A little girl who lives a lonely life with her mother,
divorced, an intellectual know-it-all psychologist, goes to the country to
spend a weekend with her father and his new wife, who is wholesome, happy,
and a good cook and gardener. And there is love and laughter and gr .....
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Being Just Or Unjust
Words: 364 - Pages: 2.... an unjust part of the soul in order to rule it inappropriately and we look at part of nature suited to be a slave. There is a meddling between the parts and is therefore considered unjust. So then it is logically impossible for all groups to be linked to the virtue of justice when one member of one of the four virtues has the potential to act unjustly.
A harmony or moderation must be achieved for justice. Yet those ion the elite are at extremes and contain all four virtues. This is contrary to nature and because of this opposition by nature kalliopolis has several structural features that cannot be identical to the virtues of the s .....
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