Papers on Social Issues
Gender In Sports
Words: 1277 - Pages: 5.... probable that such girls are only
able to get onto the teams on the basis that most schools simply do not have a
football team dedicated solely to the women football athletes. This lack of
recognition for female athletes only becomes more frequent as one progresses
through the levels of competition in virtually any sport. The games of women's
teams, where they do exist, tend to draw only limited crowds at most levels of
competition, scholastic or otherwise. In the realm of athletic activities, the
American society has chosen not to offer the same opportunities to its women as
it traditionally has to its men. For centuries, it seems, .....
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Television Violence And Children
Words: 1546 - Pages: 6.... go away. Still others don’t even seem to care. However, the facts are undeniable. The studies have been carried out and all the results point to one conclusion: Television violence causes children to be violent and the effects can be life-long.
The information can't be ignored. Violent television viewing does affect children. The effects have been seen in a number of cases. In New York, a 16-year-old boy broke into a cellar. When the police caught him and asked him why he was wearing gloves he replied that he had learned to do so to not leave fingerprints and that he discovered this on television. In Alabama, a nine-year-old boy received a .....
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Employee Drug Testing
Words: 1197 - Pages: 5.... the 1980s challenged the right of employers to conduct drug tests, but by now that issue has been resolved: Private employers may screen employees with preemployment testing, investigate accidents by testing those involved and conduct random drug tests. Recent litigation has focused not on whether an employer may test but on how the test is done.
For preemployment screening, the ADA requires that medical exams not be done before the applicant has received a conditional offer of employment, but it specifically excludes drug tests. However, many companies hoping to avoid defamation suits retain a medical review officer to examine test result .....
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Words: 725 - Pages: 3.... and, taught by
example, will continue this trend (The Volume Library; 1988).
The Ku Klux Klan has been around since the end of the civil war. It is a
roller coaster of a history. From extreme power, to rapid decline, and
slow reemergence (Software Toolworks Encyclopedia; 1992). The clan, who is
notorious for its violence, has a relatively innocent beginning. It was
formed from some veterans from the confederate army and was first called
the Kuklos Clan which, in Greek, meant Circle Clan.
One person thought it would be a good idea to call it the "Ku Klux Klan"
as a parody of the fraternity names which always had three Greek alphabet .....
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Capital Punishment: Injustice Of Society
Words: 1401 - Pages: 6.... of the death penalty will act to dissuade other criminals from committing violent acts. Numerous studies have been created attempting to prove this belief; however, “[a]ll the evidence taken together makes it hard to be confident that capital punishment deters more than long prison terms do.”(Cavanagh 4) Going ever farther, Bryan Stevenson, the executive director of the Montgomery based Equal Justice Initiative, has stated that “…people are increasingly realizing that the more we resort to killing as a legitimate response to our frustration and anger with violence, the more violent our society becomes…We could execute all three .....
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Words: 1127 - Pages: 5.... concentration camps.
The known objective of the Nazi rule was Jewish extinction. In November
1938, shortly after the assassination of a German diplomat in Paris by a young
Jew, all synagogues in Germany were set on fire, windows of Jewish shops were
smashed, and thousands of Jews were arrested. This "Night of Broken Glass"
(Kristallnacht) was a signal to Jews in Germany and Austria to leave as soon as
possible. Several hundred thousand people were able to find refuge in other
countries, but a nearly equal number, including many who were old or poor,
stayed to face an uncertain destiny.
When war began in September 1939, the German arm .....
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What Are You Watching
Words: 879 - Pages: 4.... battle. The strongest objection raised to the V-chip by its opponents is that it violates the First Amendment Rights of the broadcasters. They claim that the government is imposing a system of censorship that will lead to "blander" and "less dramatic" television (“V-Chip: A Matter of Law” 21).
Representative Ed Markey (D-Mass.), who spearheaded the drive for the V-chip, argues that there is nothing in the legislation that limits the content of programs. He, and other supporters of the V-chip, said that the broadcasters would still be able to air any programming they wish. They will just have to accompany the programming with a rati .....
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Creating The Safest Classroom And Lab Atmosphere
Words: 1699 - Pages: 7.... most potentially threatening.
As simple as a classroom may seem, much thought should go into its
design and construction. Seeing as how it will be the incubator of great
minds, the classroom incorporated into room 643 should meet all safety
regulations, while being a pleasant place to learn. Light, ventilation,
exits, access, and fire safety must all be considered when building a
classroom. The Uniform Building Code states that a classroom is a Group E
occupancy, and follows that statement with a series of legislation. The
legal aspects of a classroom begin with the basicsÐlight and ventilation.
An enclosed area .....
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Long Distance Relationship And How To Make It Work
Words: 773 - Pages: 3.... can give you a few pointers on how to keep your love going. You are
going to have to have three important things to make it work though. Those
things are trust, communication and patience.
First and the most important, you and your boyfriend need to have trust
in each other. In every relationship there has to be trust, but for some reason,
in long-distance relationships, it seems like there has to be just a little
something more. Since you two are so far apart, you have to trust that the
other one only wants to be with you and no one else. What I would always do,
when I didn't know if I should do something that might be bad for our
re .....
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Gender Ideology Enveloping Our Society Today
Words: 663 - Pages: 3.... in a certain norm that must be followed, for if not followed s/he is in disconnection with society. Lorber illustrates how society’s “gendering,…or successfully [placing] the other person in a gender status,” is a means to not “feel socially dislocated.” (14) Unfortunately, the gender norms that have developed over history are unequal. Women are looked at as the “abnormal” (17 Tavris) of the genders. However, there is no essential difference between males and females. The difference lies in how individuals are raised and rewarded for certain actions. A little boy playing with dolls will immediately be told to cons .....
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