Papers on Social Issues
The Effects Of Divorce
Words: 2240 - Pages: 9.... These are just a few
implications of divorce but demonstrates how it changes the lives of children.
Each child is unique, so the short and long term functioning of the
children after divorce varies widely. Wallerstein and Kelly (1980) observed and
interviewed parents and children three times in five years, and reported an
estimate of one third of the children come out of divorce unharmed. Another one
third function adequately, but experience difficulties, and the remaining one
third have severe upsets in their developmental process. However the authors of
the "Family in Transition", approach this finding with caution because the
conclus .....
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Marriage Relationships
Words: 434 - Pages: 2.... that there was too much
emphazes being placed on serious committment.
On the subject of contraception anf family planning we had no
disagreements. We felt that before having children we must first be able
to establish ourselves financially. So once our respective careers were
settled upon we could then plan when we would have children. However,
until we did decide to have children we agreed that contraception would be
The discussion we had on which topics which couples should agree upon
was filled with lots of disagreements. We agreed that couples should agree
on topics such as issues concerning the children, and maj .....
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Diversity Of The America
Words: 451 - Pages: 2.... receiving a great deal of support from the Hispanic population in Texas. They see this as Bush making an effort to find out what points are important to them.
The opinions of men and women can be in contrast to one another. Men tend to put their faith in a candidate who is solid and straightforward, while women seek a more compassionate candidate. In the 1996 presidential election, Bill Clinton focused part of his campaign on “soccer moms”. He stressed issues like women’s rights, child support, and sexual abuse and rape. The issues that Clinton raised were important to these mothers and they tended to cast their votes for hi .....
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Words: 848 - Pages: 4.... would rather be good friends with a member of the opposite sex than to always be in a relationship with them.
First of all jealousy is normal. Everyone gets jealous some time or another. However, when it is happening all the time, then there is a lack of communication within the relationship. Getting jealous just because the other partner is looking at another member of the other sex should not be a reason to resolve to arguing. There has been endless amounts of arguing in some of the that I have been in because of jealousy. For example, I would constantly be yelled at if I even glanced at someone. It got to the point where if I even l .....
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Words: 1232 - Pages: 5.... is not imposed
upon you, it is about humanity. And, while it may not seem fair, in reality,
morality is judged by humans. So, if you are immoral, other people will be the
ones that notice that you are immoral, and that can hurt personal relationships.
One way that I have succeeded throughout my career is by knowing and being
friends with a lot of people.
The practical side of life is based on interpersonal relationships.
Whether it be social or business, communicating with people is the only way to
get things done. There is no way that you can go through life in today's
society without getting along with people. If people think tha .....
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Women’s Gender Role
Words: 404 - Pages: 2.... take a step up. NOW helped promote the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution and they are still continuing their efforts.
Presently, women are supposed to have the same rights as men, but they are still often discriminated against. The numbers of women who have entered the work force has gone up sufficiently and they have obtained the same types of jobs as men, such as doctors, lawyers, and engineers. Unfortunately, women’s wages still don’t compare to men’s wages as they should. Often times, men are paid more money when they do the same job as women. Women are continuing their action to equalize t .....
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Use Of Paralanguage And Kinesics In Everyday Life
Words: 2241 - Pages: 9.... reflexes, posture, facial
expressions, gestures, and other body movements. Body language, body idiom,
gesture language, organ language and kinesic acts are just some terms used to
depict kinesics. In ways that body language works in nonverbal acts, body
language parallels paralanguage. Kinesic acts may substitute for language,
accompany it, or modify it. Kinesic acts may be lexical or informative and
directive in nature, or they may be emotive or empathic movements. Posture is
one of the components of kinesics. Posture is broken down into three basic
positions: bent knees, lying down, and standing. Artists and mimes have always
been a .....
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Culture, Nature & Freedom: Treating Juvenile Offenders.
Words: 1240 - Pages: 5.... There is no way to be “above the veil” of their
status. In a residential treatment modality, Relationship building is key to
success. The youth need to feel the veil has been lifted. It allows them to
explore safely and see the world in a greater view. The view as other is removed
and a true balance displaces the master / slave one.
Next, we can look at Mills Ideas on culture. He would like to elevate the
morals of the human mind. To do this, we must continually test the standard. New
ideas must be able to circulate freely. We must weigh how all actions effect
others. This can not be done in these Youth centers as well. They have .....
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Sociological Theory: Positivistic, Interpretative, And Critical
Words: 1956 - Pages: 8.... of positivism is also known as determinism.The positivist knows that a
reality is "out there" to be defined and categorized.The hard sciences from the
time of Newton and Decartes have traditionally relied on the positivistic
approach.The positivist hopes to be able to approximate "reality" in a detailed
generalization or theory on how reality operates.The theories of a positivist
generallytake the form of cause and effect laws describing the outside
reality.Robert Merton defined these theorems as "clear verifiable statements of
the relationships between specified variables."
Positivism relies onan objective epistemology.Th .....
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Japanese Marriage And Wedding Traditions
Words: 2942 - Pages: 11.... the Japanese marriage system is said to have been made from the "Muko-iri" practice (for a bridegroom to enter the family of his aimed-at bride) to the "Yome-iri" system (for a bride to be accepted into her bridegroom's home). The change seems to have taken place in the 13th and 14th centuries by the rise of "Bushi" warriors in power.6
During the age of aristocracy, a bridegroom would nightly visit his bride at her home and only after the birth of a child or the loss of parents to the bridegroom or husband, the bride would be accepted as the wife in the man's home. Among common people, labor power was an essential factor to maintain a fami .....
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