Papers on English
Macbeth: Tragedy Or Satire
Words: 2067 - Pages: 8.... heightened and harmonious imitation of nature, and, in particular, those aspects of nature that touch most closely upon human life. This I think Macbeth attains. However, Aristotle adds a few conditions.
According to Aristotle, a tragedy must have six parts: plot, character, diction, thought, spectacle, and song. Most important is the plot, the structure of the incidents. Tragedy is not an imitation of men, but of action and life. It is by men's actions that they acquire happiness or sadness. Aristotle stated, in response to Plato, that tragedy produces a healthful effect on the human character through a katharsis, a "proper purgation" of "p .....
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Will There Be A World War III?
Words: 1007 - Pages: 4.... FDR sat still for 18 minutes. Then he- and his nation- swung into action. World War II had begun earlier, in September 1939, with Hitler’s invasion of Poland; the third Reich marched across Europe until only Britain held fast. The Japanese assault brought America into war against both Hitler and Hirohito. It would be the bloodiest conflict ever: 100 million men bore arms, and 30 million civilians, many of them European Jews, would die before Berlin fell in May 1945 and, in August of that year, the United States would drop two atomic bombs on Japan- ending the war and changing the world.” (Hirsh)
What was FDR thinking those .....
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King Lear Vs. Glouchester
Words: 1933 - Pages: 8.... into the future to see the consequences of his actions. This, in addition to his lack of insight into other people, condemns his relationship with his most beloved daughter, Cordelia. When Lear asks his daughters, who loves him most, he already thinks that Cordelia has the most love for him. However, when Cordelia says: "I love your Majesty according to my bond, no more nor less." (I, i, 94-95) Lear cannot see what these words really mean. Goneril and Regan are only putting on an act. They do not truly love Lear as much as they should. When Cordelia says these words, she has seen her sister's facade, and she does not want to ass .....
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Steinbeck, His Critics, And Of
Words: 2001 - Pages: 8.... and story lines of the majority of his works.
John Ernst Steinbeck was born in Salinas, California, on February 27, 1902. His father's family, originally called Grossteinbeck, had come from Wuppertal, about twenty miles east of the German city of Düsseldorf. During summers he worked as a hired hand on nearby ranches, "nourishing" his impression of the California countryside and its people (Lisca 32). He made occasional exciting trips to San Francisco with his family and more frequent trips to the Monterey peninsula (Fontenrose 2). In 1918, he became ill with pneumonia and almost died, but he was able to recover. After graduating .....
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Los Vendidos
Words: 422 - Pages: 2.... room to hear. He shows great disrespect for the Mexican heritage by saying all that is wrong with them. He shows their flaws, weaknesses, and imperfections. I believe your heritage makes up who you are and that is you, so you should never disrespect yourself by disrespecting your heritage. I believe thee way he sold-out was by disrespecting his heritage. the Mexican- American is still trying to decide weather he is going to live Mexican or American. When the Mexican-American says, "The only thing I don't like is how come I always got to play the goddamn Mexican-American"(Page-384). You are unsure by this statement weather he is selling-out .....
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Does Neo Of The Matrix Fullfil
Words: 517 - Pages: 2.... an audience will interpret these characteristics and identify that character as a hero. The first clue to Neo's heroic character is that he is separated from a place of comfort and taken to new surroundings. That is the first step in a hero journey and this happens to Neo when he is taken out of the Matrix. Neo is then initiated and faces unfamiliar circumstances which begin to teach him about himself and his task. It is then when Neo begins to fall into the seeker and sage archetypes as his quest and fear are revealed. A seeker's quest is to search for a better life and that is evident in Neo's situation as he dislikes the Matr .....
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Home Burial
Words: 1355 - Pages: 5.... from this loss; bereaved parents never forget, but most people in this position gradually work out a way of dealing with their grief, and go on with their lives. This the young mother cannot do. The baby is buried in the family graveyard, which is visible from an upstairs window of their house. Day after day she goes to the stairway window looking out upon the nearby family plot. The sight of the raw mound where her child lies buried reopens her grief. But, another emotion wells up as well – anger and bitterness at her husband, which is at first unexplained. The first hint of the rift between them shows up on lines twelve to thirt .....
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Beowulf 2
Words: 281 - Pages: 2.... is to help others, and eventually sacrifice his own life in doing so. In the short time period in which we have joined Beowulf, more heroic acts are presented than any normal man can have accomplished in his entire being. Beowulf's motive for crossing the sea to visitHrothgar was to repay a favor that was owed by his father, Scyld Scefing. Known to Beowulf wasthe chaos that which had been implemented by the demon, Grendel, on the kingdom. His plans were to rid the people of this nuisance. But this feat would not be as simple as first thought. Beowulf was able to overcome Grendel with minimal effort, but this was only the beginning of .....
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The Broken Heart
Words: 574 - Pages: 3.... thinks is a year. Love, to Donne is something that you think about for a long time so, therefore, it seems that you have loved someone for that long but in reality it is only a short period of time. According to Donne, love is very powerful and causes the widespread destruction to thousands.
Donne also uses the image of despair and depression. In the second stanza, he says "Ah, what a trifle is a heart, if once into love’s hands it come!" In these lines Donne gives us the image of a hand of love and a big heart touching it. Once the heart touches the hand, it begins to shrink because love has devoured it. Also by sa .....
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Death Of A Salesman 10
Words: 793 - Pages: 3.... shoulda seen the lumber they brought home last week...”(50). As one can see, Willy is almost encouraging Biff to steal in order to make a new stoop. However, when Willy finds out Biff has been stealing other things, like the school’s football, he seems shocked. “Willy: What is he stealing?...Why is he stealing? What did I tell him? I never in my life told him anything but decent things.”(40). Because of the lack of morals, Willy had made it extremely difficult for Biff to love him, especially when he caught him with a women other than his mother. Nevertheless, he always loved his father, even when he totally .....
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