Papers on Science and Environment
Chromosome Probes At The University Of Toronto
Words: 726 - Pages: 3.... to
develop prenatal diagnostic tests, which, because the current tests are
time consuming and technically difficult to do, are restricted to women
over 35 and those who have a family history of chromosomal abnormalities.
Prenatal tests using Willard's probes would be much simpler and faster to
perform and could be available to all pregnant women who wish to take
advantage of the technology.
Current prenatal testing involves growing fetal cells in vitro and
examining them, over one or two months, to see if there are two copies of a
particular chromosome, which is normal, or one or three, which is abnormal.
A test using Willard's probes w .....
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Information Warfare
Words: 1274 - Pages: 5.... further your own. The power of spans a broad scope of uses, from the gathering information about companies, to personal blackmail. It’s used not only by individuals against other persons, but companies and even the nation as well. As the third wave, defined by Tofflers, becomes more widely spread across the nation and world we can only expect a far larger usage of such technological tactics, being used in the home, workplace, and even international politics. Schwartau’s definition of is, “the use of information, and information systems as both weapons and targets in a conflict,” (Schwartau 12). We are now .....
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Canadian Black Bear
Words: 514 - Pages: 2.... meadows. They occupy all of Canada starting from the tree line going south. They live in all provinces and territories except Prince Edward Island, where heavy de-forestation has happened and preferably away from brown bears (larger competitors). The only main risk for black bears are poachers who sell their parts illegally to the Asian medicinal market. In northern areas of Canada, the bear undergoes a remarkable metabolic transformation as it prepares for hibernation. Hibernation is an energy-saving process bears have developed to let them survive for long periods when there is insufficient food available to maintain their body mass. When .....
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Nuclear Waste Management
Words: 1179 - Pages: 5.... that 31 people died because of the accident, but the number
of radiation-caused deaths is still unknown.
The same deadly radiation that was present in this explosion is also
present in spent fuels. This presents special problems in the handling, storage,
and disposal of the depleted uranium. When nuclear fuel is first loaded into a
reactor, 238U and 235U are present. When in the reactor, the 235U is gradually
depleted and gives rise to fission products, generally, cesium (137Cs) and
strontium (90Sr). These waste materials are very unstable and have to undergo
radioactive disintegration before they can be transformed into stable .....
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A Critique Of The Stanford Experiment
Words: 592 - Pages: 3.... and night sticks and told to act like an ordinary guard
would. The prisoners were treated like normal criminals. They were finger
printed and booked, after that they were told to put on prison uniforms and
then they were thrown into the slammer (in this case a simulated cellblock
in the basement was used). All of the participants in this experiment at
first were thought to be similar in behavior but after one week, all of
that changed. The prisoners became "passive, dependent, and helpless."
The guards on the other hand were the exact opposite. They became
"aggressive and abusive within the prison, insulting and bullying the
pris .....
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Local Area Network Bridges
Words: 1000 - Pages: 4.... The IEEE standard for MAC bridges is ANSI/IEEE 802.1D: MAC Sub-layer Interconnection.
Bridge Routing Requirements
In general, LANs are low-cost, low-delay, high-bandwidth (e.g., 1-10 Mbps) broadcast channels. A bridged LAN environment preserves the low-delay and high-bandwidth feature but its topology may be more dynamic than in a single LAN due to possible bridge or LAN failures and hosts being moved around.
Bridge routing algorithms should meet the following requirements:
1) A bridges LAN environment should resemble a single LAN environment as closely as possible. In other words, the extension should be transparent to hosts.
2) The transp .....
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Words: 646 - Pages: 3.... eyes and earsopen. The largest mammal, the blue whale,
Often exceeds 30 m (100 ft) in length, and the smallest shrews, mice,
and bats are often less than 5 cm (less than 2 in) in length.
In many mammals the color of the skin or fur blends with the animal’s
natural surroundings. In others there is great contrast with the natural
surroundings to favorvisual signals that provide information about
theidentity of a species, and about the gender, age, orsocial status of an
individual. The skin also functions as a sensory and excretory organ and
contains specialized glands. Mammary glands, which are present in
fully developed form in al .....
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The Origin Of Life
Words: 1419 - Pages: 6.... States, laws have been passed several different ways constituting whether Darwin's theory of "survival of the fittest" can be taught in schools, versus religious belief of Divine creation. From 1920 to 1986 the argument continues in the courtroom, and many, many books have been written debating the issue.
Let us look at the three theories in depth. The evolutionist theory made known by Charles Darwin, states that humans came from his theory “survival of the fittest.” Charles Darwin based his theory on individual chances that determined the fate of the species. “Charles Darwin as we recall based his explanation of natural selection am .....
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Words: 3029 - Pages: 12.... clots, hook you up to a heart-lung machine to keep oxygen and blood moving through your system artificially, and get you to the cryonics center as quickly as possible. The optimum time from death to arrival at the center is less than an hour. Some patients have arrived as late as six hours after death.
At the center, your body is put on a table in the perfusion room. A team of three or four technicians work to drain the blood out of your body and inject a cryoprotective agent to get as much moisture as possible out of the tissues, so the organ don't crack during freezing.
The body is then dried and wrapped in a cotton sheet. It is plac .....
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Fetal Development
Words: 2666 - Pages: 10.... about thirty hours the cell divides for the first
time. It is continuously moving towards the uterus where it
will call home for the next nine months. After about two
days it has divided to having about eight cells. After four
days it is in the uterus and has to "land" somewhere and
attach itself to the endometrium. The eighth day is when
implantation occurs. The fertilized egg then implants
itself on the endometrium, the uterine lining, and begins to
grow. The cell begins to grow and develop. By the 12th
day the blastocyst has approximately two thousand cells in
it. It has had time to attach itself to the endometrium .....
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