Papers on Science and Environment
Changes In The Earth's Environment
Words: 2141 - Pages: 8.... evidence to back up pessimistic
predictions of our future, most people, through media coverage, political
pressures and general concern now see the environment as being truly threatened
by human progress and in desperate need of help.
Natural hazards have been defined as “...extreme geophysical events greatly
exceeding normal human expectations in terms of their magnitude or frequency and
causing significant damage to man and his works with possible loss of life.”
(Heathcote,1979,p.3.). A natural hazard occurs when there is an interaction
between a system of human resource management and extreme or rare natural
phenomena (Chapman,1 .....
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Words: 583 - Pages: 3.... of designing rubber hoses and belts for agricultural, industrial, and automotive equipment (DuPont).
49 is used in mainly body armor and making architectural structures stronger (Sci. & Inv. Enc., 1354). 49 is mainly made out of coal, corn, air, and water; making it rot and rust resistant. Compared to steel and concrete, 49's psi (pressure per square inch) is 525,000, steel's is 36,000, and concrete's is 3,000 (New Necessities). The blast suppression, or body armor, is strong enough to endure machine gun fire (up to .3 caliber), land mines, terroristic weapons, and a chainsaw (New Necessities). It does not melt, can stand temperat .....
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Coral Reefs 3
Words: 3393 - Pages: 13.... Carbonate. The skeletons deposited by these corals and other organisms accumulate, along with sand and other debris, to form the backbone of the reef. Over tens of thousands of years, chemical and mechanical changes turn the reef into true rock.
The body of a coral animal consists of a polyp, which is the living portion of the coral. A polyp is a hollow, cylindrical structure attached at one end to a surface, the other end is a mouth surrounded by tentacles which gather food and can sting prey to paralyse it. Polyps live in colonies, which grow from 1 to 7 inches, depending on the species. Coral polyps are classified as animals. Microsc .....
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Words: 1096 - Pages: 4.... masses over 1 billion years ago metamorphosed the original rock producing the Pedler gneiss and Old Rag granite which can be observed in the Shenandoah National Park. In late Precambrian time this super continent began to rift apart under the tensional forces producing the Catoctin rift basalts that can be observed in the Shenandoah. As they rifted apart, they created a growing ocean called the proto-Atlantic or Iapetus after the father of Atlas, for whom the Atlantic Ocean is named. Towards the end of the Precambrian, the tensional forces changed to compression and subduction began. Volcanic islands grew as a result of andesitic volcan .....
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Cloning 2
Words: 1510 - Pages: 6.... adapting it for target audiences. Such articles tackle general biomedical issues and convey the information to an audience that, for the most part, lack a high level of scientific knowledge. To make the information more understandable for the target audience, authors substitute in less complex vocabulary words, summarize difficult concepts, and often utilize attractive visual aids. Authors strive to communicate issues to audiences of varying levels of education. In order to accomplish this effectively, authors adapt their work in a format that expresses their concepts to audiences in pragmatic fashion. However, a disadvantage is that thes .....
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Solar Energy: An Alternative Energy
Words: 290 - Pages: 2.... the sun as a result of a constant nuclear fusion reaction that is
taking place. The amount of energy at the solar constant, which is at outer edge
of the earth's atmosphere, is two calories per minute per cm squared. A calorie
is the amount of energy needed to raise one gram of water one degree Celsius.
If we could efficiently harness the energy bombarding the earth for twenty-four
hours we could power New York for a year. Unfortunately the photovoltaic cells
that change the energy into electricity are so inefficient that it would take
twenty-five years to pay for it's self in output.
There many uses of solar energy. Some homes rely fully .....
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Five Components Of My Humanness
Words: 1533 - Pages: 6.... values. I greatly value freedom of thought, friends and family. My emotional self deals with feelings and my ability to handle the demands of life. The spiritual self is all about my beliefs, values, religion and my life philosophies. By satisfying the needs of all five selves, the result can be holistic wellness which is the ability to feel good about myself and others.
Physical fitness is having ample energy and the ability to perform daily activities without being exhausted. My energy usually depends on the amount of sleep and food I get. If I have too much or too little sleep, I don't look forward to the day and am not enthusiastic abou .....
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Acid Rain
Words: 505 - Pages: 2.... in to the air as poisonous gases. Some smokestacks
release chemicals like mercury, arsenic, and aluminum. Some of these minerals
are changed in to gases and others become tiny specks of ash. As these
chemicals drift, they may change again. They may react with other chemicals in
the air. When sulfur dioxide combines with water, the result is sulfuric acid.
When nitrogen oxide gas combines with water, the result is also another acid.
When the clouds releases rain or other precipitation, the acid goes with it.
This is called acid rain.
The level of acid is measured in pH levels. The pH scale begins at 0
and ends with 14. A reading low .....
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Chrones Disease
Words: 1400 - Pages: 6.... lining of the colon and rectum is caused by Ulcerative Colitis, while Crohn's disease is an inflammation that extends into the deeper layers of the intestinal wall. Crohn's disease can also affect the also affect the colon, the regional lymph nodes, and the mesentery (outside covering of the intestines). The disease can be aggravated by a bacterial infection. It begins with the development of patches of inflammation on the intestinal wall, which can spread from one part of the digestive tract to another. It sometimes only develops in one place and does not spread any further. The inflammation causes the thickening of the intestinal wal .....
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Words: 528 - Pages: 2.... must be crushed into a powder to
remove the arsenic and sulfur from the ore cassiterite. When you smelter the tin
you must heat it with carbon to remove the zinc, copper, bismuth, and iron from
the tin.
Tin had been used for many things but tins use is dropping rapidly although
tin is still used a lot for plating. Plating such things as electical contacts.
Tin is also used as a protective coating. This protective coating can be as
small as 15/1,000,000 of an inch. This protective coating protects against rust
on steel and other metals. A coating of tin also gives a great look to plain old
Tin cans for food prevents weak ac .....
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