Papers on Science and Environment
Salt Water Can Support An Electrical Current
Words: 904 - Pages: 4.... another liquid can be the solute.
Some liquids can dissolve in each other in any proportion; others have limits. If a solute added to a solution above a certain amount will not dissolve, the solution is called saturated. For most substances, solubility increases with increasing temperature of the solvent. In general, molecules that are structurally similar to the molecules of the solvent have the highest solubility. When a solute is added to a solvent, several physical properties of the solvent change. Its boiling point rises and its freezing point lowers with increasing concentrations of solute.
Solutions are similar to other types of .....
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How Various Mechanisms By Which Substances Cross The Cell Me
Words: 886 - Pages: 4.... always move down their concentration
gradient. The pressure gradient also plays a role in diffusion. Where
this is a pressure gradient there is motion of molecules. The pressure
gradient is a difference in pressure between two different points. If
the concentration of one side of the membrane is greater than the
molecules will travel from the higher to lower concentration.
Eventually there will be a dynamic equilibrium and there will be no net
movement of molecules from one side to the other.
Osmosis is the diffusion of water. Like diffusion, the water moves
from a region of higher water potential to a region of lower wat .....
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Le Virus Ebola (spanish Essay)
Words: 696 - Pages: 3.... sont: -cote d'Ebola-Zaire
Le quatrieme virus est Ebola-Reston, a cause la maladie dans les primats non humains, mais pas chex l'homme.
Il y a aussi le question, ou le virus d'Ebole se trouve? Les scientists, est medcins, ne savons pas. Il croien que le virus est devenu d'une centre serveru animal, comme un chauff souris, un souris est probablement un singe. L'origine exacte, les emplacements et l'habitat normal du virus d'Ebole rest inconnus.
Comment Est ce-que le virus nous tuer?
Cette question est la plus populair est aussi le plus interesant. Tous les victims d'Ebola, mort a cause de hemor .....
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Steps Towards An Ecosociety: Dealing With Air Pollution
Words: 3435 - Pages: 13.... what needs to
be fixed. Unfortunately, implementing policies on air pollution has the
politically undesirable effect of having extensive economic consequences on all
sectors of the economy. Therefore, those policies which lead to the development
of an ecosociety must be aimed at having the greatest environmental impact while
creating minimal economic distortions.
For the purpose of this essay, pollution shall be identified as follows
"...the deliberate or accidental introduction to the environment of contaminants,
in the form of either wastes or products " (Bryner, 10). This essay will deal
with the problem of air pollution. Ai .....
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The Origin Of Humanity
Words: 370 - Pages: 2.... to support the theory of evolution. The evidence is holds up more because actual samples of fossils have been collected and scientifically tested using a method called carbon dating to determine the age of the fossils. Which can then be examined and placed along a timeline. The time periods show slight differences in bone structure showing what is hypothesized to be the human evolving. Evolving from what though? The theory of evolution states that creatures change overtime to suit their surroundings. This is called environmental adaptation. The more a creature can adapt to it's environment the greater chance it has of living and show an inc .....
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Words: 446 - Pages: 2.... make sense.)
Electrochemistry is used in the synthesis of organic molecules. Often
electrochemical reactions can proceed under milder conditions (more safely),
with less hazardous waste (better for the environment), and in higher
yields (better for your wallet) than a similar process using chemical
reagents. Some synthetic processes can only be done using electrochemical
methods, and electrochemical methods are used in the large-to-medium-scale
synthesis of organic "fine chemicals" because of the financial, safety and
environmental advantages. Here's a page outlining some current research by
one of my graduate school professors.
I can .....
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Natural Forces
Words: 646 - Pages: 3.... years old and knowing that my father never stopped the car. By the time we arrived at Fort Myers, it was a beautiful sunny day. The wind was gusting enough to pull my hair back, and I was admiring the palm trees, coconuts, and lizards near the Gulf of Mexico. The first few days were nice, but little did I know that I would soon be caught in the middle of a twister.
I can clearly remember being in the car on a humid day with a little overcast. We were driving in the car when all of a sudden the wind started to pick up and it started raining a bit. Within five minutes, the weather progressed and there was so much wind blowing around the car th .....
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Words: 2138 - Pages: 8.... Language, Third
Edition, 1992). The isotopes of a given element have identical chemical
properties but varying physical properties (The America Heritage Dictionary
of the English Language, Third Edition, 1992). A radioisotope is a
radioactive isotope (The America Heritage Dictionary of the English
Language, Third Edition, 1992). A radioisotope is a naturally or
artificially created isotope having an unstable nucleus that decays,
letting off alpha, beta, gamma rays until stability is reached (The America
Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition, 1992). Radon's
melting point is -71°C. The boiling point is -61.8°C. Rado .....
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Alternative Energy
Words: 339 - Pages: 2.... "high grade" heat, intense enough to convert water into high-pressure steam which can then
be used to turn electric generators there must be another method. The concentrated beams of sunlight are collected in a device
called a solar furnace, which acts on the same principles as a large magnifying glass. The solar furnace takes the sunlight from a
large area and by the use of lenses and mirrors can focus the light into a very small area. Very elaborate solar furnaces have
machines that angle the mirrors and lenses to the sun all day. This system can provide sizeable amounts of electricity and create
extremely high temperatures of ov .....
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Development Of Operating Systems
Words: 1757 - Pages: 7.... of performing numerical calculations were created. The machine consisted of vacuum tubes and plugboards, and programming was done purely in machine code. Programming languages were unheard of during the early part of the period, and each machine was specifically assembled to carry out a particular calculation.
These early computers had no need for an operating system and were operated directly from the operator's console by a computer programmer, who had immediate knowledge of the computers design.
By the early 1950's punched cards were introduced, allowing programs to be written and read directly from the card, instead of using pl .....
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