Papers on Science and Environment
The Beauty Of Rainbows
Words: 252 - Pages: 1.... of all a rainbow is a curve of colored light which is seen in the
sky. Rainbows can be seen in moonlight or in artificial light. They are caused
by the sun shining through tiny drops of water in the air. A rainbow's
brightness depends on how large the drops are. The larger the drops are the
brighter the rainbow will be.
Many people think that a rainbow is only made of six colors, but it is
really make of seven. The colors in order are red, orange, yellow, green, blue,
indigo, and violet. A primary rainbow is a rainbow with red on the outside and
violet on the inside. The largest rainbow visible to observers on land is a .....
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Do Cleaning Chemicals Clean As Well After They Have Been Frozen
Words: 423 - Pages: 2.... Concept:
In order to determine weather the glaciation process affected the
cleaning chemicals, it is first important to establish its potency prior to
freezing. Accordingly, two test sets were created by the researcher. The purpose
of the test was to determine how well the chemicals could break down household
grease before and after the substances were frozen. The first test set would
focus on unfrozen chemicals, while the second was set up for previously frozen
The Test:
To start the experiment the researcher fried four pieces of bacon until
there was enough grease in the skillet to perform the test. H .....
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Chromosome Probes At The University Of Toronto
Words: 2250 - Pages: 9.... with an American company to develop prenatal diagnostic tests, which, because the current tests are time consuming and technically difficult to do, are restricted to women over 35 and those who have a family history of chromosomal abnormalities. Prenatal tests using Willard's probes would be much simpler and faster to perform and could be available to all pregnant women who wish to take advantage of the technology. Current prenatal testing involves growing fetal cells in vitro and examining them, over one or two months, to see if there are two copies of a particular chromosome, which is normal, or one or three, which is abnormal. A tes .....
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Words: 1438 - Pages: 6.... Silicon is the most common semiconductor material used today. It is used
for diodes, transistors, integrated circuits, memories, infrared detection and
lenses, light-emitting diodes (LED), photosensors, strain gages, solar cells,
charge transfer devices, radiation detectors and a variety of other devices.
Silicon belongs to the group IV in the periodic table. It is a grey brittle
material with a diamond cubic structure. Silicon is conventionally doped with
Phosphorus, Arsenic and Antimony and Boron, Aluminum, and Gallium acceptors.
The energy gap of silicon is 1.1 eV. This value permits the operation of
silicon semiconductors .....
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The Physics Of A Crystal
Words: 331 - Pages: 2.... there is also; a tetragonal, orthorhombic, monoclinic, triclinic and hexagonal system.
Crystals may form when a solution of a substance evaporates. Crystals may also form when a vapor or molten substance solidifies.
Allotropes are different forms of the same element. For Example, oxygen has two allotropes, normal oxygen and ozone. Pure carbon also has two allotropes, diamond and graphite. A crystal of diamond is in fact a single giant molecule in which every carbon atom is linked to four other, by four equal, strong bonds. These bonds are arranged tetrahedrally round each atom and there are no planes along which the giant molecule can e .....
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Multiple Sclerosis
Words: 816 - Pages: 3.... of disability from the onset, with no obvious plateaus or remissions, or only occasional plateaus and minor, temporary improvements.” In short this means that the symptoms Kathy is experiencing such as falling down due to a lack of coordination, tiredness, numbness, and bladder problems are only going to get worse. But possibly the worst symptom of all are mental problems such as a loss of self-esteem and feelings of worthlessness.
The most obvious effect that MS has on a person is a loss of coordination and balance; approximately 77 percent of people afflicted with MS experience this symptom (3). When my family went to the Gra .....
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Linux 2
Words: 6064 - Pages: 23.... the most powerful operating systems available today. "How can UNIX be old and yet powerful by today's standards”, you ask. The answer to this question lies in the history of UNIX; UNIX is a sort of subset of a much larger and more complex operating system called MULTICS. Both UNIX and MULTICS were developed decades ago for very large computers; only now, decades later are personal computers finally powerful enough to tackle these multitasking, multi-user systems with advanced features. Getting back to the crux of our first fact, LINUX looks like UNIX. LINUX is not officially UNIX simply because it was not written by the same pro .....
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Global Warming 2 -
Words: 642 - Pages: 3.... in the earth's atmosphere and causes a warming of the earth called "Global Warming."
Starting in the mid-1700s, human activities began to alter the composition of the atmosphere. Vast supplies of charcoal, and later coal and oil, fed the growing fires of the Industrial Revolution. The carbon stored in these fuels was released to the air as carbon dioxide - a gas that traps heat in the atmosphere. Today, for every one of the more than 5.8 billion people on Earth, nearly six tons of carbon dioxide is spewed into the air every year. As a result of our activities, the gas trapped inside the atmosphere has risen by more than 30 percent in the .....
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Fiber Optics
Words: 2237 - Pages: 9.... Endoscopy
Fibre Optics
A relatively new technology with vast potential importance, fibre optics, is the
channelled transmission of light through hair-thin glass fibres.
The clear advantages of fibre optics are too often obscured by concerns that
may have been valid during the pioneering days of fibre, but that have since
been answered by technical advances.
Fibre is fragile
An optical fibre has greater tensile strength than copper or steel fibres of the
same diameter. It is flexible, bends easily, and resists most corrosive
elements that attack copper cable. Optical cables can withstand pulling forces
of more than 150 po .....
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Words: 733 - Pages: 3.... the bases determines the genetic code of an organism. This code directs the synthesis of proteins at the cellular level. It is written in units called codons, each of which specifies a particular amino acid. (Proteins are composed of amino acids.) A codon consists of a sequence of three bases--for example, GAG or TCA. The four bases can be assembled into 64 possible codons. Because proteins are built from only 20 amino acids, most amino acids are specified by more than one codon.
occur when one base is substituted for another or when one or more bases are inserted or deleted from a gene. Substitution affect only one codon, and in most ca .....
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